Chapter 14

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it? So, because of that, I'm gonna dump a bunch of (unedited, sorry!) chapters since this story has just been sitting in my Drive for way too long. Remember, I am in no way a Snape apologist, I hate him in fact, but what would have happened if...? So, enjoy! 

We can't tell many people," Amelia said, waving her wand at her board (Just think of the Wakandan technology, that's what's in my head) a few weeks later. Harry hadn't really forgiven himself for the death of two minors, Amelia had the full story from both him and Lucius. They told Dumbledore because they had to (Hey, two kids died in his school. He has to face the repercussions). He hasn't told the public, but he knew. As it turned out, the Creeveys were from an orphanage and nobody really knew who their parents were. What hurt Amelia the most was that nobody really noticed their absence.

"Wait, why not?" Harry asked.

"Harry, you know that nobody will really believe you, right?" Amelia said, "They are too happy without him here, and they will turn a blind eye to whatever happens. We have to be discreet and kill Voldemort before anything drastic happens."

Harry sighed. "I wish I didn't understand what you said. Who are we going to tell?"

"Well, most Slytherins will know because, well, you know, a whole lot of Hufflepuffs will too, some Ravenclaws, a few Gryffindors. You know that there are far more Death Eaters than you'd ever think. I think we keep it to whoever we've told."

"Yeah, about that," Harry grinned sheepishly, "See, I accidentally told Ron and Hermione. And they believed me!" he added quickly at the look on Amelia's face.

Amelia pursed her lips. "Okay, fine. But if they do anything—"

"MEL!" Sirius rounded the corner, "Dumbledore started the Order again and he asked if he could use the place for meetings and living quarters, most likely! What do I say?"

Amelia groaned and thought about it for a minute.

"Tell them okay."

"Wait, what?"

"We need to know, don't we? And I am not moving my stuff out of my room, Sirius!"

Sirius huffed in amusement, "If you can call it a room."



"Still rude."

Harry pulled his hood lower. He didn't want to be seen at the moment.

"C'mon, it won't take long," Amelia said in a low voice, steering Harry toward Knockturn Alley.

They had only been walking for a while before Amelia stiffened and started to detour too much.

"Are you trying to avoid someone?" Hary asked. Amelia's eyes were following one person... "Is that the Greengrass Lord?"

"Yes," Amelia choked out, "Come on. We don't want to be seen, and it's annoying enough that you can't have too many disguises here."

"Right, but--"


Amelia's hands curled into fists at the voice.

"Hi, Amadeus," she finally said.

"I thought you were dead," he slipped an arm around her waist, making Harry throw up his guard right away.

"I couldn't come back, now could I?" Amelia strained a laugh, "I hear you're married?"

"Mm, to no one important. We could always start back where we started."

Harry's jaw clenched.

"I-I don't know about--"

"We could always start back where we started," the man, Amadeus, said more forcefully, cutting Amelia off.

"Er, sir--" Harry tried to pull him away but a simple spell Harry didn't know blasted him back. Harry almost growled as he got up.

"Stupefy!" he whispered, rage clouding all common sense and logic that, since he was underage, he actually couldn't do spells outside of Hogwarts.

Amadeus flew back, but his grip on Amelia was so strong, she went flying with him.

"Lia!" Harry yelled and ran toward her. He gave Amadeus a once-over. Knocked out, but not for long.

"I'm good," Amelia rasped out, "Not the first time I've been slammed into a wall. Let's go."

Harry struggled to keep up with his godmother. "Who was that?"

"Just someone from school."

"No," Harry said, "What really was that?" 

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