Yes, just a note you need to read in order to understand the story...

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Here are a few things you need to know.

Snape never called Lily a 'mudblood'. Their friendship ceased when Severus realized how much she was hurting his cousin (and that he fancied Sarah but hush).

Snape never hung out with Mulciber or Avery, but the Blacks and Malfoys. He also had a few Ravenclaw friends.

Snape never got the Dark Mark and never heard the prophecy. That was Peter Pettigrew. He sold the Potters out to Voldemort, not Severus.

Severus joined the Order of Phoenix just to spite Voldemort and to help stop Dumbledore.

Lucius Malfoy was forced into taking the dark mark by his father and all the other pureblood supremacists.

James and Severus made up, but only after they realized Amelia left Britain, right before they went into hiding.

Yes, the Marauders bullied Amelia, but they soon got over it around Sixth year.

James asked Amelia out, actually, but Amelia refused, saying that: 'I can forgive you, James, for everything, but you're asking me to forget. Also, I'm ace, so...' James never told anyone about what she said. After he apologized, they got much closer to the point that both would trust each other with their life. Amelia told him, trusting that he wouldn't go off afterward. And he didn't.

After Regulus died, Sirius asked Amelia if they were dating because they were always with each other. Amelia laughed in his face (The first laugh she had since the boy died) and never answered.

Severus Snape never bullied his students (and that includes Neville, but his grandma is always pushing him to be his father that he's still as shy and clumsy) but he was just as strict. He also may or may not favor the Slytherins.

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