Chapter 4

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(Time Skip: 5 years)

Harry Potter knew of Wizards. He'd always suspected it. Also, when he was six, he found a peculiar book that told him about everything: Wizards, purebloods, Gringotts, magical creatures, Hogwarts, the Ministry of Magic, and who he was. Who he really was.

So when his Hogwarts Letter came, he wasn't surprised. He hid it, yes, but he didn't know how to answer it, so more just kept coming and coming and coming. Soon, they tried to get away from the letters resulting in some half-giant (Probably) coming and 'explaining' the wizarding world to him. He played dumb, especially after Harry realized Hagrid was under Dumbledore's thumb.

When they went to Diagon Alley, not much surprised him, surprisingly. Ignore that, please.

He felt like he was here before and accidentally said it out loud.

"Yer paren's proba'ly took yer here when yer was a babe," he answered. Harry didn't think so.

Hagrid didn't let him buy much; just the minimum of what was needed. He couldn't get more books or a better cauldron and vials or anything. That's why he raised an eyebrow when Hagrid got him an owl. Then he played the part of being super grateful.

He knew he would come back here alone to get the right things.


Amelia was annoyed. Two Horcruxes were not killed. She couldn't find one of them. It was the Ravenclaw Diadem. Well, the lost Ravenclaw diadem. She was lucky enough that Bellatrix still let her in the Lestrange vault (why was beyond her) and that nobody thought to find the Gaunt Shack. Kreacher was nice enough to show her the locket Regulus had died for.

Lucius said he destroyed the Diary, but something has been off about him, and Amelia couldn't figure out what, considering who her mother was. She supposed that this was Lucius and he had the same mother meaning he could keep these things away from her.

In other news, Draco was going to Hogwarts this year! Sirius was going to get a trial too! Soon, at lest. But she hadn't had any luck with Harry or where he was. She only hoped he was faring better than she thought he was.


Severus Snape knew Potter's spawn had been abused. But he didn't think he would talk to him.

So when the boy approached him even after he was sorted into Gryffindor, he was surprised, to say the least.

The boy— Potter — told him about finding his book on Potions and how he picked it up because he thought the name was familiar. That alone intrigued Severus. If he could fight Dumbledore's blocks and 'Obliviate,' then Potter was powerful. Powerful Potter.


Draco Malfoy was a bit confused. Potter proceeded to insult him, then compliment him. Usually, it would be the compliment and then the veiled insult. That made good Slytherins.

"Is it true?" he had said. "They're saying all down the train that Harry Potter's in this compartment. So it's you, is it?"

Draco had seen the boy once when Potter was passing Madam Malkins, but he never talked to him.

"Yes," said Potter.

"Oh, this is Crabbe and this is Goyle," Draco said when he saw Potter looking at them, scrutinizingly, "And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."

Then Weasley had the gall to laugh, making Draco angry. You're not allowed to laugh at names! Who did he think he was?

"Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask who you are. My father and godmother told me all the Weasleys have red hair, freckles, and they butt into the wrongest things."

He turned back to Potter. "You'll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there. I'm not saying the Weasleys are a bad family," he quickly added at the look on Potter's face, "But pick the right friends and you have the whole Wizarding World at your fingers." Draco stuck his hand out for Potter to shake.

"I think I can tell who the wrong sort are for myself, thanks," said Potter, and Draco started to get a bit embarrassed. He wasn't going to—

And then Potter shook his hand, "But you seem alright and a great ally. Call me Harry."

Draco's eyebrows went up, but he still smiled, "Then, Harry, call me Draco."

The whole time, Weasley looked constipated.

He was interesting. But then he was sorted into Gryffindor, and Draco thought Potter would hate him.

And he did, on some level. They didn't talk, though that might have been because of the 'talk' Dumbledore had with Potter (And, no, not that kind of Talk, weirdos!). After that, Potter — Draco didn't think he could call him Harry anymore— gave him the cold shoulder, then insulted him and his family over and over again. Draco was tempted to hex him then and there but thought better of it. He'd get expelled, wouldn't he?

That is if he got caught.


Severus also noticed the difference in Potter from the first two months and every single day after that. At first, Potter was a diligent student and would work hard and do good in class, even Potions, but then he just...stopped.

Something might be bothering him, or...Dumbledore. Or both, nobody ever really knew.


Harry didn't know how Hermione was doing it. Trying to find everything about Nicholas Flamel stopped him from doing his homework correctly. Not to mention trying to find out what made his brain so fuzzy when he thought about the train ride. Dumbledore, a great man, by the way, told him it was probably from shock, but it didn't make much sense. Still, he was compelled to believe the man. Another thing that was stopping him from doing much of his homework was Quidditch. Not that it mattered, according to Dumbledore. He said that Harry would pass no matter what. 


...I don't have much to say except that please comment and constructive criticism is encouraged!

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