Chapter 34

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"Shoot, we were too late," Amelia complained, "There's one carriage left."

"Don't complain, Amelia," Bellatrix said, "It's your fault."

"My fault?" she asked as they walked to the carriage, "I thought it was you who was crying, bawling your eyes out—"

"Shut up," Regulus said, "You two are giving me a headache." Severus and Regulus opened the carriage door and froze, but Amelia didn't notice.

"Now you know how I feel," Amelia grumbled and looked into the carriage, her smile falling off her face. "You know, we have the worst luck."

Bellatrix sighed, "Well, you six, there aren't any more carriages. I know you all think of us as 'slimy Slytherins' but it's raining so we have to sit here."

James Potter groaned, Remus Lupin was determinedly reading, and the others (Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew) didn't really answer. Black was staring at Regulus.

The carriage started to move once they got settled, the Gryffindors on one side and the Slytherins on the other.

Regulus was staring at Sirius Black with hurt evident in his eyes.

"What?" Sirius Black snapped.

Regulus shook his head and whispered, "You left. I can't believe it."

"Why not?" Black said, "You know that our 'dear mother' hates me. Why you don't leave, I'll never know."

Regulus made to stand up, but Amelia put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him down, then gave him one of the headphones connected to her radio.

Lily Evans was glaring at Severus Snape who was making a point not to look at her.

"What the hell, Snivellus?" she hissed finally.

"That's it!" Severus stood up, "I'm walking. Coming, Trixie?"

"Yes," Bellatrix stood up, "Mel?"

Amelia grimaced, "I'm still sore, I'll stay. Reggie, you going?"

"Hm?" He let go of the headphones, "Nah, Lucius'll kill me if I do."

Amelia scoffed, "No, he won't."

"Right, yeah, but 'Cissa will," Bellatrix said, "Have fun, you too."

Severus and Bellatrix got off the carriages and Amelia laughed.

"It's raining," she said when Regulus looked at her weirdly. He understood and smirked. Then, an awkward silence came over the rivals. To alleviate the tension, Amelia put her headphones back in.

"What are you listening to?" Marlene said.

"The Beatles," Regulus said impatiently, "Now, shh! This is a good song!"

The Gryffindor Black sat up, "You know the Beatles?"

Regulus looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then pointed to Amelia. "What do you think?"

"Pads, why wouldn't you know what beatles are?" Potter asked.

Everyone looked at the boy.

"You don't know the Beatles?" Amelia asked, "I thought you were friends with a muggle-born."

"He's not a friend!" Evans said, cheeks heating up.

Amelia stared at her, "Best friends, then. Or more, I don't care—"

She was back in her office with Harry in front of her.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y-you have a good defense system," Amelia answered.

"What happened?"

"You saw one of my memories. Harry, do me a favor and look into your mindscape," she said and, after frowning, Harry did so.

When he opened his eyes again, he bumped into the board. Yes, he was moving around for some reason.

"What was that?" he asked. "There were random things— the diary, I destroyed it...did you see that wall?"

Amelia spit out the water she was drinking, "Hold up, a wall? Shoot, do you have blocks on your mind, Harry? That's not good. I have to call in Sirius, Bill, Sarah and Severus if it's true. Are you sure it was a wall that you couldn't get past?" Harry nodded. "That is most likely a mind block, Harry. I'll have to look into it later."

"Look, it's the Nice!Snape."

Amelia turned and grinned at Bill.

"And the Nice!Weasley. How are you?"

"Good, you?"

"Alright," she answered, "You ready for this?"

"Bit nervous."

Amelia hummed, "I hate this."

"Same, why can't we go to the goblins?"

"They hate me."

"They hate everyone."

"No, they hate, hate me. I'm glad I don't use Gringotts."

"What, why not?"

"The goblins hate me!"

"Then what bank do you use?"

"A few muggle ones."

"A few? How many?"

"Do you really want to go there, Bill?"


"Aaand here we are!"

Amelia opened the door, nodded at Sarah who gave Harry the right medical potion, since she's a Mediwitch and Amelia didn't want Madam Pomphrey there because of her affiliation to Dumbledore, and sat down to watch the show.

Of Harry being tortured for 10 minutes straight? It's hilarious.

So it started. First, Bill went and broke most of the curses lying around in Harry's brain (Took no less than 10 minutes) and then Amelia went and delved into his mind.

When she came back out, sweat was pouring off her and she was panting like she'd just run 5k while being chased by hippogriffs.

"Okay," she stopped talking to breathe, "I — am going to— have— my lunch— now. And the— school's water— supply. This guy's going to be knocked out for, like, a long time, so— someone get him to the— Hospital Wing."


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