Chapter 6

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In short, Sirius agreed to shower Dumbledore with compliments of how he had tried to get him out of Azkaban, even if he didn't believe it so Dumbledore wouldn't think twice of Sirius taking custody of Harry. Remus and Sirius found out about her 'job' of destroying all Horcruxes.

Seeing the determination in Amelia's eyes reminded them of their sixth year when they found out the truth about Amelia, Narcissa, and even Lucius.

It was a normal day for Amelia. Regulus was studying for his OWLs and Amelia was constantly saying how glad she was that it was over.

Perhaps Amelia should have realized exactly how 'normal' of a day it was.


The sound echoed across the Hogwarts grounds and the two Slytherins stood up.

"What was that?"

"Dunno," Amelia answered as they ran across the grounds.

Then they stopped short.

"Oh, look," Regulus said in a small voice.

"A Drakon," Amelia said in a similar voice, "Woohoo, how fun."

Immediately, a plan began to form in her head as to how to kill the monster and keep as many people as she could alive.

"Reggie," she said, "Hold this." She gave him her bracelet. "I don't want to lose it."

With that, she took out her sword and dagger and charged at the Drakon.

"WAIT, LIA!" Regulus shouted, but Amelia didn't stop.

James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew also ran toward the commotion, but by the time they got there, there was already a big crowd surrounding the drakon. Well, not close, but there was a crowd.

They saw the girl they bullied fighting it. Freaking fighting it! Sirius was thinking, 'What? What is going on?' James was thinking, 'She's going to die!' Remus was thinking, 'I'm a werewolf, I should be helping!' Peter was thinking, 'Who does she think she is, fighting something she can't win against!'

Meanwhile, Amelia had run up the drakon's armor and was now on her chest, but the drakon swiped at her with poisoned claws.

"AAGH!" Amelia put a hand on her thigh for a second, then proceeded to try to rip a piece of the drakon's armor off.

"AMELIA!" Regulus yelled when the drakon swiped at Amelia again, causing her to lose balance and fall to the ground. In the air, Regulus threw the bracelet back at her and Amelia caught it, causing it to turn into a crossbow. Thank goodness Regulus cast a cushioning charm right before she hit the ground.

Amelia rolled and got up in a kneeling position, notched an arrow, and let it fly. The arrow hit it's mark, a small chink the drakon's armor.

With another deafening roar, the drakon burst into golden dust, with only the tiny tiara on the drakon's head as a spoils of war.

Amelia took it in her hand and chucked it up to the Headmaster's office.

"AND YOU SAID THIS PLACE WAS SAFE!" she yelled, then almost fell to the ground before Regulus caught her.

"You idiot," he muttered, "C'mon, you are going to the Hospital Wing and you aren't complaining."

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