Chapter 17

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"We have to get...where did you put him?!" Amelia said in an even voice to Dumbledore.

"He does have to recharge the blood wards, Amelia, my dear," Dumbledore said, "Surely you understand that."

Amelia swallowed down all the retorts she had. "Fine, but Sirius and I are going since Remus isn't able to do so. That's final."

"Of course," Dumbledore said, smiling, though Amelia could see the annoyance flash in his eyes, "And Alastor—"

"I am not going with him," Amelia said, just as Moody yelled, "I am not going with her! I'm not going at all! CONSTANT VIGILANCE, SHACKLEBOLT!"

"But Alastor—" Dumbledore stopped at the glare, "Of course, Tonks—" Amelia perked up at this. She remembered Tonks. "— Kingsley, Diggle, Vance, Podmore, Jones, and Doge will go too."

"No," Amelia shook her head, "That's too many. Kingsley, me, Sirius, Tonks, and Vance should be enough."

Dumbledore tried not to glare at Amelia, "But there is strength in—"

"Numbers? We need numbers to take a 15-year-old boy from his house? I don't think so, Dumbledore."

Kingsley coughed, "I think 5 people is enough, Dumbledore."

The twinkle in Dumbledore's eyes went out, "Of course."

4 Privet Drive. Amelia wished she could blast the stupid house to the ground. She had already told Harry they were coming via Iris Message and Harry told her that he didn't remember much since the end of June. Some monster then tried to kill her and very much regretted it.

Nobody talked. Well, Tonks talked. She was Andromeda's daughter, as Amelia remembered. She also hated her name, Nymphadora, and Amelia decided not to tell her that it was her who volunteered that name. Or that Belle told Andromeda the name.

"Potter, lower your wand before someone becomes the next Mad-Eye," Amelia said.

"Professor Snape?"

Amelia frowned. Harry had never called her that. Maybe he didn't remember much from June.

"Um, don't like to be called that," Amelia answered, "Lumos. We are here to take you—"

"From you relatives!" Sirius said excitedly, "Come on!"

Harry opened the door, a bewildered expression on his face. "Sirius? Random people, I don't know?"

"Oooh, looks just like I thought he would," said Tonks, "Wotcher, Harry!"

"Yeah, I see what you mean, Sirius," said Kingsley, "He looks exactly like James."

"Except the eyes," said Vance, "Lily's eyes."

"'Except the eyes, Lily's eyes,'" Amelia mocked, "Yes, I'm sure he's heard that a million times. Let's go."

"Sirius!" Harry hugged the man.

Amelia turned around and walked towards the kitchen for some coffee if they had any. Once an American, always an American.

"Very clean, aren't they, these Muggles?" said Tonks when the other got to the kitchen, "My dad's Muggle-born and he's a right old slob. I suppose it varies, just like with wizards?"

"Pretty much," Amelia said, "Never helped that I was a perfectionist in my earlier years and my dad didn't really care, know?"

"You're not a pureblood?" Tonks asked.

"Nope," Amelia grinned, "Muggleborn."

"Would've never guessed," Tonks said.

"How're we getting — wherever we're going?" Harry asked.

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