Chapter 2

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Amelia walked up to the right house and rang the doorbell. A woman opened the door a moment later.


"Hi!" Amelia's American Accent gave way to her British one, "I am here regarding the United Kingdom Census, usually given every 10 years? Not to worry, ma'am, I'd just like you to fill out these forms—" she thrust a thick pile of fake papers into the woman's face, "—and I'll be on my way!"

The woman noticed the thickness of the documents and opened the door further, "Why don't you come on in? Would you like some tea?"

"Oh, yes, thank you," it sickened Amelia to be nice to the woman whom she would always see as that petty, jealous girl, "Earl Grey if that's okay with you."

"Yes, alright, I doubt this will take only a minute. The name's Petunia, by the way."


It was only about 10 minutes when a boy around six who was alarmingly...plump barrelled into the kitchen.

"Mum, Mum! The freak says his name is—" he noticed Amelia in the room, "Who are you?"

No tact, thought Amelia before smiling sickly sweet. "My name is Amelia and I work for the government. Can you tell me who you are?"

During this time, another kid around four entered. He looked the exact opposite of the other boy. While he was fat, blond, and had dull, blue eyes, this boy was extremely skinny to the point that Amelia suspected malnourishment, had messy black hair and vibrant green eyes that rivaled even Lily Evans' eyes.

Amelia's eyes widened at her last thought. Was this Harry? Oh, he was so small!

"My name is Dudley!" the blond said proudly.

"My name is Harry. Harry Potter," the raven-haired boy said quietly.

"Oh? You don't live here? Are you a cousin?" Amelia asked, mentally smirking at the horrified expression on Petunia's face.

"I do live here," the boy said, almost robotically, "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon let me live here out of the goodness in their hearts and I try to pay them back as much as I can."

"I am done with these forms," Petunia said quickly, "Now let me show you to the door—"

"I do need to check over these forms to check if you've missed anything, Mrs. Dursley," Amelia said and she started to do exactly that. Then, she frowned. "Harry, you do live here correct? But you aren't listed under the occupants of this house. Mrs. Dursley, I think you've forgotten Harry."

"Y-yes, I'm sorry," Petunia said weakly and wrote Harry down.

"And how old is Harry? You must put that down," Amelia said, trying not to laugh.

"He's six," Petunia said tersely.

"Oh, my! He looked four to me!" Amelia said and allowed herself to pull briefly at the godmother bond. She watched as Harry's eyes widened and he finally looked directly at her.

"Harry, dear," Petunia's smile was strained, "Please, can you leave this room?"

"You're Amelia who?" he asked instead of obeying her.

Amelia smiled, "Amelia Snape."

Petunia's eyes widened, "FREAK! What are you doing here?! GET OUT!"

Amelia stood up, her eyes flashing dangerously. "Excuse your aunt here, Harry. I suppose she forgot what happened the last time she yelled at me."

Petunia paled and opened her mouth, but Amelia cut her off.

"Now, seeing as Harry probably knows nothing about the Wizarding World, I will be taking him out for the day. You will not intervene. Since I'm not ready to take in a child in my own home, I will come again tomorrow to take him to where he belongs. Not in this hellhole. Thank you."

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