十三 : one of the two dreams

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2021 AD

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2021 AD

Her head being swamped with the recollections of that vividly aberrant chap seemed already very absurd to Yeseul, and smithereens of self-reproach regarding failing at getting to be familiar with his whereabouts were only fostering her dilemma even more. Ever since Yeseul had parted ways with him, all she would cogitate over was him popping out of thin air yet again. After all, the thrill that he had managed to bring in her life— in a mere matter of two days— ended up overshadowing all the other so-called significant events of her life for her. 

That must be why she was anticipating his return.

That had to be the only reason.

Plopping onto her bed wearily with a thud, Yeseul stayed lying down the same way for a few moments. By all means, if someone happened to barge into her room in the meanwhile, he would assume her to be dead. That was how inert she appeared— not even her breathing looked striking enough to be taken into account. 

With astronomical sighs escaping her lips every now and then, Yeseul must have figured out how her being woebegone over literally nothing could never be productive, even with the passage of time. That was when she jumped out of her bed in a jiffy, leaping for the chest of drawers stuck by her bed's side. 

"Anything would work, honestly, anything. Even a goddamn fairytale book, and that's when I actually get to grab one..." Yeseul continued to speak gibberish during the process of scavenging for an object that could help deflect her attention, for what felt like an aeon— only to no avail.

"How did I even survive childhood... There's not a single fantasy book in here—" Addressing in a manner that sounded like as if she was pinning the blame on her own self, Yeseul abruptly suspended the inculpation when a hard binding brushed across her fingers. 

Yeseul's puzzled countenance did not bear much except for her being utterly flabbergasted. In the heat of the moment, when she had finally flung out the niggling object, was when a dismayed look cartwheeled across her face— which was forsooth an absolute contrast to her initial stance.

"University prospectus," Yeseul deadpanned as she upended the brochure to take a quick scan, "way to go, Yeseul." She rasped, reaching out for her bed to tumble again.

Forming a canopy with her drawn out arms, Yeseul adjusted the booklet in her grasp and began to skim her gaze over its contents— not sparing to elicit a yawn every once in a while to establish her boredom. It was not until she had covered at least half of the entire prospectus did she submit to herself basically wasting her time over nothing. She vigorously flipped the pages in frustration, and did not halt herself until she reached the end of it. Grinning contently due to ultimately being done with the headache that she had brought upon herself, Yeseul's elation drastically abated for someone who was actually pleased with how she did not have to deal with her humdrum anymore.

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