二十九 : a shot in the dark

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The hour-long briefing had concluded itself on a positive note, the very notion could now be certainly reached upon

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The hour-long briefing had concluded itself on a positive note, the very notion could now be certainly reached upon. The unmissable glint in every comrades' eyes— suggestive of the previous acrimony being successfully thawed from amongst them—bore testimony to the just-reinstituted solidarity and trust. Taehyung had heaved the remaining rifles and bullets, and apportioned them accordingly, as a sense of accomplishment crept into his heart even when they had not yet achieved their main aim.

The fact that he could contribute to the enhancement of the equipment that his unit possessed, furthermore ensuring that they would not be killed like dogs— like how it would have been if a dozen of Murata rifles were all they had to depend on— was the happy realization that had occurred to Taehyung.

And he could not thank Yeseul enough for that.

"How are these better than the Arisakas— Come again?" One of the men asked, spurring Taehyung to purse his lips in contemplation and traipse in his direction.

"Everything is better than a Murata rifle, my friend." Taehyung returned, placing his hand on the man's shoulder as he continued, "Moreover, they are from the future, which automatically means that the efficiency will be much greater than the artillery our enemies have at their disposal. Weapons are not what we lack anymore— it's our belief. Our belief that we can win against them still wavers from time to time. We can't let that happen anymore," a panoramic glimpse was spared by Taehyung, "do you all understand?"

"Yes, sir!" An affirmative response emerged in unison, invigorating Taehyung like nothing else.

"Excellent," he mumbled, a pensive cast taking over his features as if he was trying to recall something urgently, "when does the Emperor arrive in Hansung, by the way?"

"Tomorrow itself, once the new year's celebrations are wrapped up in Japan. But he's not going to carry out the procession the same day— credits to the marketplace gossips— so we still have time to mark our positions and so. The general mood of Hansung aligns with us though, and that's a good news I believe. They are not very excited about kneeling before him while he crosses the streets." Sangcheol explained.

"That's indeed a good news, but not for our plan. The turnout needs to be considerable for us not to appear too visible. I just hope people gather there for the ceremony..." Taehyung's apprehensions were loud and clear.

"Oh, don't you worry about that, my friend. We possess the power of assembling throngs, in case you didn't know. I told you, didn't I? The public supports us, they will not step back from assisting us in our cause. Strike out the tension regarding it now, will you?" A smile cracked over Sangcheol's lips as he snaked his arm around Taehyung's shoulder and began to haul him away.

However, before entirely excusing Taehyung and himself from the scene, Sangcheol twirled around on his heels, enumerating the issue on hand, "Tomorrow night, Hansung's main market. Be there by nine, alright everyone? You may as well leave for your homes now and take some rest. The day after tomorrow is going to be the most adventurous day of your whole life, save your energy and be ready to face it when the time comes."

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