二十七 : under the influence

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"Who in their right mind would expect a six feet tall muscle hunk like you to sag like a rag doll, shamelessly relying on me moreover to save your ass like, what the hell? Logic should make things make sense, not complicate them further

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"Who in their right mind would expect a six feet tall muscle hunk like you to sag like a rag doll, shamelessly relying on me moreover to save your ass like, what the hell? Logic should make things make sense, not complicate them further." Yeseul slurred, her line of sight getting disoriented, "Tell me Taehyung, were you just acting back then? When you felt nauseous on our way back?"

Taehyung took a protracted gulp in consternation, gravely unsure of what might transpire if he decided to plod towards either of the alternatives. His pupils reciprocated Yeseul's— wavering, though stirred by fright. Even the poor man was not aware about the pretext behind his whole walking-on-eggshells pretension.

"I— I..."

"Because I'll make sure that you do not take up acting even as a mere hobby of yours in future."

Just the deterrent Taehyung wished had not been hurled at him.

"I was not acting, Yeseul." He started, his voice as austere as it had been whenever he addressed his comrades, "Something really strange happened to me back there. And you're right, I did feel utterly nauseous— to the extent that I just can't dare joke about it even in the times to come. It was not a pleasant experience at all, so if you're still of the view that I can be such a shallow man, I can't say anything but admit that you hurt my pride."

The instant Taehyung had finished, he swerved his gaze to check on Yeseul— that he had torn away initially because indeed, the statement was somehow offensive to him. Truth be spoken, it was like one of those moments when swinging between life and death would ultimately result in getting the rope strained and hence broken. But how was Taehyung supposed to explain all of that when on the exterior, the most he looked like undergoing was just some tremendous amount of headache?

How was he to inform Yeseul that at that particular moment, he felt as if his gut was being twisted and flexed repeatedly, and that his entire nervous system had apparently gone haywire?

Yeseul would never believe any of those words, more so when a facade of dizziness had concealed the actual issue.

While Taehyung was speculating the loose ends of his story, Yeseul was continuously gawking at him. It was as if the female was waiting for him to finally suspend his scattered deliberations and spare a glance at her, for a riposte was eager to roll off her tongue.

"Am I supposed to take that seriously?"

"You're so mean when you get drunk, I hate you," Taehyung mumbled, though as hard as it was for Yeseul to dehaze her brain, she understood it right away, "and you are supposed to take that seriously!"

An enamored smile fluttered across Yeseul's lips as she watched Taehyung yammering. Her cheeks turned hot as a saturated shade of pink sprawled across the same surface— though what owed its origin would forever remain a mystery. Was it simply the fact that she was excessively intoxicated, or was it due to the tingles that Taehyung had inexplicably started to cause her lately?

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