二十二 : the alley of crime

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"What in the name of God!" If anything, waking up to a deafening shriek first thing in the morning was not something that Yeseul had anticipated

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"What in the name of God!" If anything, waking up to a deafening shriek first thing in the morning was not something that Yeseul had anticipated. The addresser was none other than the moral values-ridden man from the past.

What else would induce such an outright demurral to be emerging from him anyway, except for him discovering that he had shared his bed with an unrelated girl?

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yeseul groaned while still being heavily under the influence of sleep, indeliberately spurring the man to gawk at her in disbelief.

"How dare you ask me that when you were the one to lay down beside me without even bothering to take my permission? The audacity you have—"

"Stop right there, stop acting like a freakin' queen bee," Yeseul exhaled with exasperation flagrantly lacing her voice, "stop acting like God's child whose dinky thievery I don't have a clue about!"

"A language that I can understand, please." Taehyung stated as his expression remained devoid of even the slightest trace of chagrin, much to Yeseul's displeasure.

"For fuck's sake, that was the only duvet I had! Did you want me to freeze to death last night? It's not like I purposely slept next to you," Yeseul's annoyance gradually dissipated— her abrupt mumbling was evidently indicating at that— with her resuming shortly after, "and while we're at it, buy yourself a blanket— on your own when we're out later in the day."


"I don't care how, that's for you to figure out. Now do me a favor and get ready...We've to go and meet someone today, remember?" Yeseul deemed of herself as sly for insinuating Taehyung in such a manner. However, his hoisted eyebrow alongside a lopsided smile— much similar to an uninvited player— seemed like turning the tables real quick, apparently defeating the female at a game that she, herself, had supposedly hatched to begin with.

Oh, the degree of humiliation.

"What's that look?" She inquired in perplexity, unable to follow Taehyung's unprecedentedly impish temper.

"Nobody's within the earshot for you to be using hushed tones like that towards me." Taehyung did exactly what he had ridiculed Yeseul for just a mere second ago, he whispered, "And second, I'm prepared to go, can't you see?" Flailing his arms away from his body, he established his declaration as a fact.

Yeseul could not outwit him like earlier— she was rendered dumbfounded, if the bitter truth was to be told. She did open and close her mouth like a fish gasping for air for a few moments, fumbling for a riposte that just would not suggest itself to her, and yet could not deliver an apt comeback to the man for what was feeling like hours now. Frustrated, she squeezed her eyes close and stomped off to get herself changed— there could be no better savior than that. Taehyung tried to stop her, but the confusion pertaining to Yeseul's receiving of his roasting eventually beat him to it.

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