a/n + reflection

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hello??? i'm beyond pleased to know that you made it till here! lemme place a crown on your head for acting like a perfect queen/king and not abandoning what you started at your own will 💅🏻(an extremely royalist rhetoric but whatever hehe)

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hello??? i'm beyond pleased to know that you made it till here! lemme place a crown on your head for acting like a perfect queen/king and not abandoning what you started at your own will 💅🏻(an extremely royalist rhetoric but whatever hehe)

so, how was 'against time' according to you? did you have fun while reading it? did you feel like as if you were watching a chaotic historical/time-travel/romcom drama? 👀 bcs i definitely did while writing it. i, for one, will not be able to replace this with another book of mine (tnwm and ateott are contenders tho) for a very veryyyy long time. i hope i made you realize that too😔

and that clears the way for the much- useless yet awaited, 'against time' trivia time! 🎊

first of all, y'all go and watch 'chicago typewriter' and 'mr. sunshine' asap!😤 these two were my biggest inspirations for this book. CT for the freedom fighter plot, while MS to study the emotions of the characters. istg you won't regret watching them! ofc, i've watched too many historical series/ movies to glean inspiration from here and there but none of them particularly strike as the 'inspirations' per se. so yeah, that sums up this aspect.

next, i was initially planning to cast momoland's nancy as yeoreum😬 but then again, her looks were too western for a character from the past so i ended up going for sihyeon as the faceclaim. also, i only realized it later that the name yeoreum was anachronistic to the time period for which i used it. but meh, i had already started the book and didn't want to edit like 40 (wth??) chapters just for the sake of renaming miss han😩

the epilogue sort of cleared up that while reading the uni prospectus in chap 13— titled as "one of the two dreams"— why did yeseul read sangcheol's name for tae's face when the former had already died, and the confusion pertaining to the names that followed later. also, tae was just shy of 18 years of age at the beginning of the story, yeoreum getting frustrated over him not reaching the mark properly (bcs his bday was still on the 30th of dec so he did turn 18 afterall) in chapter 34, "her last straw" alludes to the fact.

the ending is sort of a dedication to my first book his serenade (ayo HS readers, did it ring any bell?🤪). i won't spoil it further so yeah, you'll have to check out the book on your own if you wanna know what i meant by that haha. tho i'm alerting you that the writing wouldn't be similar to this one. it's been 3 years (what—) since i concluded it so you must expect some fetus writing huehuehue😭

last but not the least, 'against time' is my first full-length book to reach the 40-chapters milestone wuhuuu✨ come on, clap for me, issa big thing for this girlie :(( i really really really loved the process of writing it, and i swear i'm gonna miss it every night and day for like 6 months from now on, not even exaggerating😖 yes, it sorta started on a hyped note which dwindled dramatically around 25-30 chapters but then ppl did begin to check it out once again. i really hope that they finish it too, bcs the first few chapters give no insight as to what's in store for them if they try to read till the end😶

 tho that doesn't mean i'm gonna put in your minds what yeoreum did with yeseul's grandma's pendant— bet everybody forgot about that fact tho— completely up to you how you wanna tie that one loose knot! hehe just me casually inserting an unasked-for piece of info when y'all thought the note was finally over🤡

however, last but not the least pt.2, a HUGE thank you to the readers who were the only constants in this journey of various ups and downs— fia (bestayyy💜🌻), and Starlet_21196 and Taelenove, two unexpected angels🧚‍♀️<33 thank you to the silent as well as future readers, y'all have a part in making me happy too <3

i'm certainly using this chapter as a time capsule to remember how this is my first ever ongoing book to cross 2k+ reads ;-;

ending this note with the wish that 'against time' receives just the recognition it deserves— no more, no less. i may add a few more trivia points if i come to recall them, but until then, consider this an adieu☹️

*rushes to submit the book for official features*

much love,

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