十五 : gold-digger at the doorstep

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1939 AD

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1939 AD

Yeoreum was having the time of her life being a witness to the crazy destitute's unceasing attempts at embarrassing herself. She was still engaged in purchasing some persimmons for home when a yelling creature captured her attention, prompting her to peep into the circus that was gradually unfolding before her. It had been a couple of minutes since then, but the situation did not seem like tweaking.

Fanning herself with her hand whilst resting under the shade of the same shop, Yeoreum admitted to no longer being able to withstand the sweltering heat despite every method that she pulled off in order to cool herself down. Although every time she swiveled her gaze back in the direction of her home, that lady clown— persistently at the center of the market— would utter something that ended up intriguing Yeoreum tremendously.

"Anyone who's kind enough to help me out, he'll be entitled to half of my property," Yeseul announced, attracting a diversified horde with a snap of her fingers, "which is just ten thousand won at the moment..."

And everybody staggered their feet back to the errands that they were running earlier.

"Huh? Shouldn't ten thousand won value more in this period?" Yeseul mused, rolling a strand of her hair around her finger in utter confusion.

"Hey people, listen! I have a friend named Do Sangcheol. If anyone of you could take me to him, he'll reward you handsomely, I promise!" Pivoting at her spot and molding a megaphone out of her hands, Yeseul addressed the mob once again. Albeit none of them spared her an interested glance over the name that she had referred to.

Well, not entirely. Yeoreum had proceeded towards her as she clenched onto the skirt of her hanbok— to prevent the dirt stains from getting imprinted over it.

"Hi! Do you know Do Sangcheol?" Yeseul piped, her eyes gleaming with a certain kind of anticipation.

"Hi? Where are your manners?" However, Yeoreum's entire focus preferred deflecting to the obscure disrespect that derived from the pitiable yet daring pauper in front of her.

"Uh..." Yeseul trailed off until she became sure that she had figured out what the woman was dwelling on, still continuing hesitantly nonetheless, "Hello?"


Yeseul warped her face in disbelief when a curt reply came from the female's side— baffled at a similar degree of intensity over how she was picking on Yeseul's sentence formation when she, herself, looked barely older than her. Dawdling in the same train of thought, Yeseul did not realize that she was literally gawking at her, which the latter just had to misinterpret as her being stupefied over such rare beauty.

"Don't stare at me like that, people will misunderstand." Yeoreum cleared her throat, bringing Yeseul's daytime reveries to an abrupt halt— her enlarged eyes exhibiting the acrimony gurgling inside her, "Moreover, I know that I'm pretty. I don't require your approval." Carrying on to rave about herself regardless of Yeseul's say on it, Yeoreum cupped her own face coyly— provoking the former to wince at the sight before her.

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