三十四 : her last straw

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"Japanese agent— What the fuck is that absurd theory?" Yeseul spat back, causing Yeoreum to snicker at the nerve that she possessed— when it was rather the latter who needed to introspect

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"Japanese agent— What the fuck is that absurd theory?" Yeseul spat back, causing Yeoreum to snicker at the nerve that she possessed— when it was rather the latter who needed to introspect.

"You can't really talk to me that way... you see, it will not take me more than a minute to inform everyone of my suspicion," Yeoreum replied, leaning in the other female's direction to whisper, "and the best part is that they won't even bother to challenge my claim."

"So I'd rather you addressed me with some respect." She completed, retreating to her original position before sparing Yeseul a belligerent glimpse, and resuming to render the duties that she had been doing prior to the encounter with the same woman.

Much to Yeoreum's dismay, though, a slight pull was felt by her before she could duly vacate the scene. Being prompted to twirl around, watching the very face springing into her line of sight which she had assumed was just irrecoverably mortified by her, was the least that Yeoreum had been expecting, if anything. But now that Yeseul stood planted so intently in front of her, the female realized that her estimates were not so impeccable as she had deemed them to be.

Because for some people, humiliation does not necessarily serve as a deterrent. Instead, it ends up bolstering their intransigence that had been laying low until then.

It ends up bringing out the dormant tenacity amassed within them, in its most explicit form ever.

"I don't care about the consequences. If you think you must spread the rumor, then go ahead. Though I don't think that you will, the tiny voice inside my head me tells me that you won't." Yeseul murmured, staying swivel-eyed at the same time to ensure that none of the passersby eavesdropped on them.

"Why would you say that?" Yeoreum spoke, hot tears starting to accumulate in the corners of her eyes.

"Because... one only turns out to be how he is due to the people he spends time with. Taehyung is one of the nicest people I've ever known, fit for all that too-good-for-this-world stereotypes and alike. You, being one of his closest friends, must've had an impact on him, right? And that's why I'm ready to place my trust in the benevolent human that you've shrouded with your tough front, Yeoreum. I know that hurting someone isn't your instinct," Yeseul smiled, settling her hand on Yeoreum's shoulder simultaneously, "and don't ask me how do I deduce that anymore. That would just be talking in circles."

It was as if a few words of impending consolation were her last straw that Yeoreum dissolved into tears, taking Yeseul's support in case she lost balance and crumbled onto the floor. Unable to comprehend what just transpired, Yeseul's eyes widened for the time being the other female still had a grasp over her own condition. But when she totally lost it, the former unhesitatingly extended her arms to envelop the grieving female into a comforting embrace. Yeoreum let her meltdown just be, growing willingly heedless of people's perception that must have commenced being framed about her due to it.

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