二十八 : a meaningless competition

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Honking traffic and squeaky birds— although a sort of nuisance for a person who may be lost deep in her slumber, were the two bizarre means for Yeseul to get jolted into waking up

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Honking traffic and squeaky birds— although a sort of nuisance for a person who may be lost deep in her slumber, were the two bizarre means for Yeseul to get jolted into waking up. Not only were they economically feasible— which a self- sustaining college student like her would kill to make use of— but they also tended not to give up until the girl had had every trace of drowse extracted from out of her.

It was one of those days when Yeseul was testing herself as to how long would she be able to fend off the resulting annoyance that was building inside her, as well as the unabating efforts that the warblers— by persistently pattering their wings against the glass pane that was the nearest to her— were making in the same respect.

A meaningless competition which would present no winner or loser in the end.

Pondering so, Yeseul lurched herself into a sitting posture, outstretching her arms as a weary yawn was simultaneously elicited by her. She habitually peered out of the window, watching golden spotlights being focused randomly at certain sections of the roads beneath. A bickering couple of car owners then caught her attention, igniting her urge of shaking her head in disappointment at them.

It was during these initial moments of Yeseul absorbing the day's essence that her eyes suddenly widened in shock, as if she had recalled something that she was supposedly missing out on due to those trivial spectacles that kept on stealing her regard away.

"Has Taehyung left already?" She mumbled to herself while stepping out of the bed, rushing towards the living room in the hope to discover the same figure.

However, when Yeseul circled around the furniture once, and then twice, and yet could not find a single hint of his presence, she sped up her search operation— now looking for anything that could confirm that Taehyung had not departed from her place and was still there somewhere.

Yeseul resorted to a thorough sift-through when acting frantically did not prove to be effective, her piercing gaze appearing capable of locating the objects that were otherwise latent for the ordinary human vision.

As evident, she was that determined.

After investing a substantial amount of her time, an item foreign to her home did pique her interest at last, but the way it succeeded in evading her scrutiny despite being positioned at a spot that was so central to the place—the kitchen counter, apparently— inevitably made Yeseul lose her temper. She scudded in its direction, grabbing the piece of paper almost immediately, and finished skimming through the first line just the very next instant. That was when her eyes drooped, and so did her brows.

Her anger ceased to exist, and longing was what had replaced it.

"Dear Yeseul," she sniffled, clutching onto the letter as she swiftly wiped her tears away and resumed, "I always knew that there was something that consistently pushed us towards each other— be it deliberate or accidental, and maybe it is because of those recurrences that our love bloomed. But now that it has, I'll never let it wilt. I'll do everything in my control to be with you. I'll put in every required effort to help grow this flower into something more exquisite."

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