二十 : calm and chaos

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"Ho—How did you know that I was coming to you?" Taehyung struggled to speak under Yeseul's grip at first, but grew comfortable once he had adjusted his height to the female's level

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"Ho—How did you know that I was coming to you?" Taehyung struggled to speak under Yeseul's grip at first, but grew comfortable once he had adjusted his height to the female's level. Incertitude clouded his conscience as he steadily gave in to the situation too, wrapping his arms around her waist as a consequence.

Even though it may appear as a rash decision, Taehyung's face told otherwise. Contrary to how he had initially felt taken aback at Yeseul's unannounced advance, a part of him now urged him not to overthink and ruin the moment. That was how it was.

It all felt right, all of a sudden.

"Hey!" Yeseul smacked his head, yanking him out of his saccharine reveries— which were definitely supposed to survive longer than this— only for his pupils to dilate out of embarrassment when he spotted her suspending her arms in the air, possibly waiting for him to break the hug.

Taehyung immediately retraced his steps backwards, attempting to let out something coherent so as to dispel the awkwardness, but ended up failing miserably at that in the end. Yeseul, after releasing a chuckle that could be called an amalgam of discomfiture and amusement, proceeded to pick up from where she had to leave a few moments back.

"I didn't mean to hit you, it's your fault that you spaced out." Yeseul started with a rhetorical statement, trailing her gaze up and down Taehyung's ashamed figure in confusion, "Anyway, now that you're here and spared me from going into your time only to become a laughing stock for your people, let's ditch the formalities for fuck's sake and get straight to the point."

Yeseul breathed out, forming a pout when the cluelessness on Taehyung's face gradually turned profound.

"For someone who has read about her own country's past and even been to one of them periods— now that I'm listening to myself, it does sound wild, oh God— I precisely know what this tunnel is doing right here."

"Erm— Connecting our worlds? Please don't surmise of me as being a lunatic for believing in that." Taehyung's eyes gleamed when he pitched in his opinion on the matter— them being a perfect doorway to one of the incidents that had just happened to him. 

The wound in his heart, that the humiliation he was subjected to had inflicted upon him, was evidently fostering at an alarming rate.

"What? No way— I would never! It's absolutely clear how we don't belong to the same world. Did we not find our places to be incredibly contrasting to each other's? I know what's happening here, I've kinda figured it out. But you haven't, sorry if I'm being blunt. And that's why I had come there to inform you on what actually all of this is, but you insisted that I went back. Your loss there dude, to be very honest." Yeseul pressed her lips into a thin line, shrugging her shoulders simultaneously in a nonchalant manner.

"That's one great premise you've provided, and my curiosity has been successfully piqued by it. So, if you will..." Taehyung motioned Yeseul with his open palm, the smug expression on his face causing her to cast him an irked side-glance.

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