三十七 : the souvenir called past

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"Did he really say that— I mean, why would he say so?" Yeseul began precipitously, though curbed the haste in time when she noticed the girl furrowing her eyebrows in perplexity

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"Did he really say that— I mean, why would he say so?" Yeseul began precipitously, though curbed the haste in time when she noticed the girl furrowing her eyebrows in perplexity. A nod that soon followed from her side, however, assured Yeseul that their opinion was in congruence, and that her intentions had not yet been misconstrued despite her seemingly inappropriate ardor.

Well, her interest had spiked multiple folds for someone whose avidity to dodge the stranger had not yet become a thing of the distant past. The odds for her not to be perceived as a person governed by her volatile mind were too less to be taken into account. That was why a relieved sigh escaped through Yeseul's lips as she resumed her attention back to the other female, awaiting her response stolidly while barely being able to smother her eagerness at the same time.

"I don't know... Mr. Do Sangcheol is but a mystery to me too, afterall." She remarked, releasing a half-suppressed chuckle.

Yeseul's pupils dilated in disbelief as she reeled backwards, one of her hands automatically reaching for her gaping mouth in order to obscure it. Tears that had been goading her burning eyes into finally letting them pass and debouch out of them, had commenced their very expedition in a profound manner. A choke was subsequently felt by Yeseul, impelling her not to disdain the borderline that had— until then—protected her from falling into the inevitable ravine of sorrow.

The provocation thus set in motion the realization that it was almost ineluctable now, for her not to blurt out the brewing tempest that had been relentlessly trifling with her composure.

That it was extremely benignant of fate to provide her such a propitious opportunity, and she must not— in any circumstance— let it be remembered as an attempt that was destined to turn out as impotent.

"C—can I meet him?" Yeseul stuttered as she cursorily wiped her cheeks to rid them of the tear-stains that had ended up spreading all over.

The girl's eyebrows flew up in wonder, "I'm sorry but if my intent didn't come across as clear to you when I made that old people things comment, let me rephrase for you that my grandfather has grown terribly cranky— and to be very frank, I don't think you'll be able to tolerate his fluctuations, Miss Yeseul. I mean it." She finished as she pursed her lips, casting a pensive glance.

"I don't care, really. It's just that— I can't tell you why it's so important for me to meet him... not at least right now. But I promise you that I'll not hamper his peace. I just need to cross-check something. Once I do that, I give you my word that I'll go my own way. Please, take me to him." Yeseul sniffed, immediately bowing her head down to hold in the overwhelming emotions.

The girl could not comprehend— no matter how intensely she had ground her brain about it— the very reason behind Yeseul's sudden breakdown. A moment ago she was absolutely fine, exhibiting her gratitude as much as she could, though not overdoing the gesture either. Then what was it that she uttered that made Yeseul spiral so uncontrollably? Or was it even her fault to begin with, in bringing about her current condition?

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