十八 : the impeachment

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"Mr. Kim, aren't you supposed to lead us at times like such? What even is the point of forming a union when we're not united during crises like today's?" A man volunteered to confabulate once the abysmal silence that had surrounded his group, seemed like preferring to linger there until an effort was made by someone to allay it.

Albeit, even then, it was not like his accusation lacked the required magnitude. It was a point well-concocted, with the other members of the group apparently inclined towards asking Taehyung more or less a question along the same lines. It was a relief that their fellow spared them the hassle of clearing their names out of their leader's bad books and took a fall instead for all of them.

Now, he was someone worthy of being called a hero. Not Taehyung, who left his peers to be on their own when he was thoroughly aware of the dire consequences that usually followed such situations.

"I had to save a civilian. She was more helpless than you people here were." Taehyung, with his gravelly voice, proved that he was not a bit hesitant in upholding his ideals.

"Taehyung, no—Uh, it is advisable for you not to provoke these people any further? They're already very angry at you." Sensing the havoc that might be unleashed by their union members if Taehyung did not take his word back, Sangcheol insisted.

"I'll not reassure them with words that do not come from my heart. Insincere promises and explanations are against my belief—"

"The audacity, I swear to God!" One of the men exclaimed in disbelief, picking up the very instant the realization of him garnering everyone's regard dawned upon him, "Are we still equals here or has tyranny spread its roots to our union as well? Are we mere subordinates for you now? Because as much as I remember, that wasn't your stance regarding this whole revolution against the oppression thing back when you were assembling us. Did power corrupt your mind, Mr. Kim Taehyung?"

Taehyung would have let out an astronomical guffaw at the man's far-fetched perception of him had the other members not begun to nod their heads and clap in agreement to his objection. That was a crucial strike to Taehyung's ego, for he had never expected his comrades to forsake him when he yearned for their support the most.

Did his looking out for Yeseul really hurt his people to such an extent that not even once did they opt to heed their misgivings regarding their decision of relinquishing his side?

Come on, he must not have been that bad of a leader.

But if he actually was not one, was his horizon wide enough to recognize the need of the hour, that was apparently required to win over his discontent comrades in order to place their trust in him yet again? And if he did manage to figure out that particular issue that was cropping up between them and disrupting the harmony of the unit, was he mentally capable at the moment to quickly reckon all the possibilities and present them a solution?

Because the man was certainly losing his confidence like anything.

"Cat got your tongue? Does that mean whatever I said is indeed true?" The man reaffirmed, slightly smirking in disappointment when rather than providing him with an answer, Taehyung hung his head low in shame.

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