二十三 : sunshine and rainbows

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"Oh no woman, why would you being short on money cause a hitch in our deal when I've already decided to call it off?" The man exclaimed with an unanticipated buoyancy, his face dramatically warping itself into a displeased one established the fact...

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"Oh no woman, why would you being short on money cause a hitch in our deal when I've already decided to call it off?" The man exclaimed with an unanticipated buoyancy, his face dramatically warping itself into a displeased one established the fact that he was forsooth being sarcastic, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Come on, I'm a college student who works part time to support herself financially... Can't you cut me some slack? The money I'm lacking isn't even that much anyway." Yeseul grumbled in response, unintentionally ending up jarring on the dealer's composure.

"There are hundreds of college students who work part time and yet pay me the entire amount at the time of purchase. Why should you be treated as an exception then?" An annoyed side-glance was passed by him, after which he picked up, "You have ten seconds, either pay me up or forget about the guns. It'll totally be your loss though, because you're not gonna find these pretty babies at such a low price if you attempt to look for them elsewhere."

"I promise you that I'll bring in the money in installments, I really mean it. You already have my number, don't you? It's not like I'm gonna change my number, pack up overnight and flee from here— irrelevant, but what I mean to say is that you can trust me. Will you please let us have the arms now?"

"I don't understand why you're groveling at his feet. I'm unwilling to use these guns they'll come at the cost of your self-respect. That's the last thing I'd want to do to anyone whom I deem as a friend. Let's go, Yeseul." Taehyung barged in at long last, his intransigent face radiating anything but his compliance with the situation that concerned either of them having to beg on their knees for something that was a mere flake of dust when compared to their self-worth.

"No, what are you doing? I was this close to convincing him! He was about to agree to my conditions—"

"Your girlfriend is right, weirdo. Do you really want to give up this opportunity? I don't think your so called self-respect amounts to that." The male whose name the duo was not familiar with, clicked his tongue in what came across as an instigating pique— Taehyung and Yeseul's confused visages were proving that.

"This loon— what happened to everyone's manners here? Dare say another word and I'll break your skull into two perfectly equal halves." Taehyung gritted his teeth in rage, alarming Yeseul so as to contain the looming nuisance quickly, before it wound up getting out of hands at the least.

"You don't wanna get into trouble with them Taehyung, I won't be able to protect you—"

Yeseul was interrupted for the second time in a row when the other man hastened to make his point clear to them and depart from the scene as soon as he could manage to.

Now that would be one hell of a good riddance, the apparent couple was a lot more pain in the ass than he had assumed them to be at the first sight.

First impressions are not always right, after all.

"Listen, the two of you. I don't have a lot of time to waste around like you both, okay? I see the gold chain that the girl's wearing, that alone would be enough to pay for these guns— well, along with some of the cash of course. I'm not doing charity in here, remember? So, let's just barter if you're too poor to buy, alright? Now make your decision at once, I've to be somewhere in ten."

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