Chapter 2 {Moving Day}

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1 week later.

"Dad! Mr. Henderson is here!"
"Can you and your brother take care of it? I'm loading up the the truck." I sighed. I didn't wanna say anything but my dad has been overworking himself to the bone. He really wanted to move to the new house.
"Krew!" I yelled upstairs. "What!" "Come help me herd the cows for Mr. Henderson!" I watched him come down the stairs and grab his black Stetson placing it on his head. I already had mine on and I was ready to leave.

"Morning Mr. Henderson!" I went over to shake the older mans hand. "My gosh you've gotten so big! I remember when you were as high as my knees." I laughed while Krew tried to hide a smirk. "So I hear your gonna represent Garrison in the state finals." "I am."
"Good for you. You taking Bonnie?" "Yeah, she's a good horse just gotta get her to get around the last two barrels and we'll be great."
"You'll get it. She's a good horse." I smiled.
"Alright dad. Sally's ready." I looked behind Mr. Henderson too see his son Cash holding two horses. Sally and Tank. "Oh B, I didn't know you were gonna be here helping. I figured you'd be working."
"I have a shift later today." He nodded with a smirk on his face. "Well what are we waiting for! Let's get going!" Krew said saving me from this conversation. While Mr. Henderson and Cash were saddling up there horses I ran ahead to walk with Krew over to the barn.

"That was the most awkward shit I have ever seen." Krew told me while laughing. "Well I'm sorry I didn't except to see my ex boyfriend who cheated on me with a blonde bimbo today." He started laughing as we walked into the barn. "Oh don't laugh!" I saddled up Bonnie while Krew saddled up his horse, Sawyer. Sawyer is a gorgeous 5 year old horse with a long brown mane and brown fur. "Ready?" I nodded and followed Krew out to where Mr. Henderson and Cash were waiting. We took a nice slow ride to the pasture where we were going to herd the cows towards the trailer since Mr. Henderson was gonna buy half of our herd.

I let Mr. Henderson and Krew get ahead of me and the cows, and I fell back with Cash behind all the cows. "So barrel racing?" I nodded. "Not like it's anything new Cash. I've been doing it a while." "Yeah I guess so." We stayed in a comfortable silence for a couple minutes. "So how's life?" He asked trying to start a small conversation. "Fine." He looked disappointed at my one word answer. But I mean why is he surprised, he cheated on me. Does he expect me to just forgive him? Not gonna happen.
"So are you still single?" I looked over to him  and gave him a look. "I'm not getting back with you Cash. You cheated on me, why would I want to go back to you." He didn't know it, but that wasn't the only reason I broke up with him. He sighed a disappointed sigh. I saw a calf getting out of line and away from me out of the corner of my eye. "Cash give me your lasso." His eyes drifted over to the cow getting away and unhooked his lasso from his saddle quickly throwing it over to me. I swung it in the air before aiming for the calf. After two tries the lasso swiftly landed around her neck. "Gotcha."

After loading the cows onto two separate trailers I went inside to start lunch so Krew could help my dad bring boxes to the new house. I sang along to the song "Chicken-fried" while I made grilled cheeses. I heard barking so I looked to the front door to see our Australian shepherd Diesel running in with Cody not far behind him. She was looking through the mail.

"Hey Kodak! What are you doing home?"
"Half day. B?"
"Yeah?" "Michigan University is still sending you letters." "Seriously?" I placed the cooked grilled cheeses on a plate and after wiping my hands off went over to grab the letter.
"I've been out of high school for a year and I haven't responded to any of their college letters. Can't they take the hint that I don't wanna go to the college." Cody grabbed a grilled cheese off the plate. "Why don't you write back to them?" "Yeah I think I'm gonna. I'm sick of getting these letters."
"Come on, help me bring dad and Krew sandwiches before I have to go to work." She nodded and started wrapping the sandwiches in tin foil. "I'm gonna go get changed you wrap the rest of these in tin foil. I ran upstairs to my now empty bedroom. It was bittersweet to say the least. All that was left was a box with some of my clothes in it and my uniform on top laying in the middle of the room. I changed out of the jeans and t-shirt that I had on and threw them in the box. After pulling my black hair into a ponytail I grabbed the last box and dropped it in the hallway. Turning around I looked into the bedroom I grew up in one last time. I smiled before shutting the light off and walking away from it all. I walked downstairs and took the box out to my truck.

"Did you bring Krew and dad the food?" I asked Cody when she walked past me. She nodded. "Alright then I'm going to work. I'll see you later. Love you." "Love you too."
I got in the drivers seat of my car knowing that this was gonna be the last time I pulled out of this driveway. Like I said before it was bittersweet. It was good to move onto new things but I grew up in this house and I was gonna miss it.

I pulled into the diner and prepared myself for the assholes who were passing through town to get to Denver and just happened to stop here for something to eat. After smoothing my apron down over my skirt I walked into the already busy diner. "Thank God your here Bri! I'm about to kill someone." Reese looked like her head was about to blow.
"Why?" "Table 6. They were my table but they requested a different server. Have fun." She pushed a notepad into my hands. I sighed and pulled the pen from behind my ear walking over to the table.

"Hi my name is Brynlee! I'll be your server tonight, I'm sorry for the wait. Can I get some drinks started for y'all?"
"Oh great another country hick." The kid that looked to be 13 stated.
"Umm I'll have a coffee, my husband will have a sprite, Adam baby what do you want to drink?" "I want coffee!" "No baby your not getting coffee!" "Sounds like y'all need another minute, let me go get the other drinks while you decide." "No! You can wait here. We're gonna order on our time not yours." I sighed trying my best not to say something. Clearly someone's mama didn't raise them right.
"He'll just have a chocolate milk." "That will be right up."

I walked back into the kitchen where Reese was waiting to grab the food she needed to bring out. "How's your table?" "Reese it sucks. They told me that they will order on their time not mine and I got called a hick." "Oh come on that's more like a compliment, besides us hicks have more fun!" I laughed at her and grabbed the drinks. "Here y'all go! Are you ready to order?" The woman looked at me and gave me the dirtiest look I had ever seen. "Does it look like we're ready to order?" "I'm sorry ma'am I'll give you a few more minutes." Just as I walked away I heard her yelling "waiter" so I turned around and sure enough she was ready to order.

"Lenny I need two orders of a cheeseburger with fries and one order of chicken tenders with fries. Please." I announced placing the order. "How's the table from hell?" Reese asked again. "I'm very close to spitting into their food." Reese laughed at me. "Just don't get us shut down hellfire." I laughed at the nickname before going back out.

I handed the customers their check hoping they would get out of there as quick as possible. Once I saw them leaving I went over to grab the check to see that they left me no tip after all the times they asked me for more salt or another refill. I slammed the check back on the table and chased after them pushing right past Riley on my way out.

"Hey assholes! You seriously can't give me a tip after everything I did for you!" "You were a horrible server constantly asking if we needed something! You were always up in our business." That's it. I walked closer to them ready to punch someone in the face but before I could I felt a pair of arms around my waist. I fought to get out of whoever's grip it was but it wasn't working and the family took that as a hint to leave. "Calm down Brynlee." Fucking Riley. "Put me down!" He set me gently on the ground. "What the fuck Bennett!" "Yeah cause that's the way you should thank the person who stopped you from not only hurting yourself but also stopped you from going to jail!" "I didn't ask for your help! I can handle myself!" "Clearly. You know what screw this! I came to pick my sister up, not argue with you!" He motioned for Reese to follow her out to his truck. She stopped in front of me. "There's a bonfire at the spot tomorrow night, you should come as long as you don't go to jail for beating someone up." I gave her a look. I sighed before responding, "I'll be there."

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