Chapter 5 {Thunder}

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2 Weeks Later

I stared at the dark sky above me. The forecast called for thunder and lighting. Krew and I were currently outside with Diesel leading our herd out of the pasture. I sat on Bonnies back while Krew was on his horse Benny. "B, can I get your opinion on something?" I nodded. "Course."
"I wanna ask Charlotte to marry me." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" He nodded "Do you think it's a good idea." "You guys are young Krew, do you think it's a good idea?" "I love her a lot, and we've been together since we were 15." "Then do it." "Everyone in this damn town is gonna judge us." "Who gives a fuck what everyone in this town thinks. And besides they judge you, you judge them." He laughed. "Thanks for the advice." I saw the sky getting darker by the minute. "We have to get out of here before it's starts raining." We already had the cows in the barn we just had to bring the horses back to the stables. I heard a loud crackle of thunder coming from above us. I heard Bonnie neigh loudly and the next thing I knew I was thrown off her back and onto the ground.

"Oh my God! Brynlee are you okay!" I felt a pounding in my head but other than that I was fine. I could feel the rain coming down around us. I watched Krew get off his horse and send him towards the stables. He held his hand out to me. "You good?" I nodded using his hand to get up. "Just a headache." "Come on, lets get back to the house." "Where's Bonnie?" "She ran back to the stables after she threw you off." "We have to lock them up." "Cody is still in there from earlier, she'll lock them up." I nodded. Krew threw his arm around my shoulders keeping me steady. "You sure your okay?" "Yeah, my head just really hurts." We walked back to my house and when we walked in my dad was waiting at the kitchen table. "What the hell took you two so long! I had to send Cody out to make sure you two were still alive." We didn't answer. I sat down at the other end of the table and Krew got a bag of ice and gave it to me. "What the hell happened to you?" "Bonnie threw her off." He got up from the table and placed a hat on his head. "Where are you going?" "I'm assuming the horse got scared because of the thunder. I'm gonna go make sure she's okay.'' "I hope she's just scared, because the Rodeo is in 3 weeks and if that damn horse doesn't trust me anymore it's not gonna end well." "Don't worry about that right now. We should get you to the hospital." "Have you seen what it looks like outside? The roads are probably flooded." "Bri.." I cut him off. "I'll go in the morning."

I was interrupted by the front door opening followed by Cody, my dad, and Diesel. "How's Bonnie?" "She's a little spooked but she'll be fine." "Great, now can you convince Brynlee to go to the hospital please?" "Honey you do need to go to the hospital." "I'm fine!" I said arguing with them. I pushed out of the chair and up to my bedroom. Truthfully I knew I wasn't fine, but every single time I had to go to the hospital I fought it. If I was being honest ever since my mom died I hated hospitals because of the memories. The endless nights sitting at my moms bedside when she was hooked up to multiple different machine, the hours waiting for results, and I could still hear the doctors voice telling us she passed away. I grabbed the picture of me and her off the my nightstand. It was when I was 10 years old and I had just won my first race. My mom had a huge bouquet of flowers in her hand and I had a medal around my neck. A six year old Cody stood in front of me. My dad would've been there but Krew had just started baseball that year and his first game was the same day as my race and somebody had to take him. I heard a soft knock on my door and when I looked up Cody was standing in my doorway.

"Can I come in?" I nodded. After placing the the photo back onto my night stand I patted the bed next to me so Cody would sit next to me. "I know why you don't wanna go to the hospital." "Do you?" "Yeah. In our experience every time we go into a hospital someone dies." I nodded. "I miss mom." I pulled her into a hug. "So do I.''

The Next Morning

As soon as I woke up I was dragged to the hospital. After a knock on the door, a male doctor walked into the room. "Miss. Matthews?" "Yes?" "I have the results. It looks like you have a minor concussion, but nothing to bad. You should be fine in the next couple of days." "Does that mean that I'm gonna be able to race at the rodeo?" He nodded. "I've seen your videos from past competitions, and you and I know damn well that even if I said you couldn't race you still would." I laughed "Yeah, probably." "Well Miss Matthews you are free to go. Your father already filled out your discharge papers so I'll see you on the tv in 3 weeks." "Thanks Doc." He nodded.

After getting my belongings I walked out to the waiting room where my dad was waiting. "What's the verdict?" "Concussion." "Good, it's nothing too major." I nodded "Will you drop me off at thee bar please?" "Seriously? That's the first thing you wanna do? Drink?" "I could really use a drink right now." He nodded and drove me to the bar.

Blake was bartending instead of Brooke "Hey kid, heard you were in the hospital? Beers on me." Blake handed me a beer. "Thanks." Riley sat next to me at the bar. Ever since he saved me from that guy we've been getting along really well. "Hey Brynlee." "Riley, I'm not in the mood to listen to your snarky remarks." "That's not why I'm here." "Then why are you here?" "Two weeks ago you said you owe me one." "Okay? What are you leading too?" "I want to take you on a date." I almost spit out my beer when those words came out of his mouth. He laughed. "I'm serious."
"Not gonna happen, sorry Riley." "Oh come on, you said you owed me." "Doesn't mean I'm gonna go on a date with you." I laughed "Please just think about it." "Fine, but it's not a yes." "Close enough.'' I watched him walk away with a smile on his face and a smile on mine.

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