Chapter 29 {They Call It a Rodeo}

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2 Weeks Later

"Would you hurry your ass up?" I screamed at Riley. "Look, just because we're married doesn't mean we need to yell at each other like an old married couple." I rolled my eyes. "Can we just go please?" "Chill out, I'm coming." I put my Stetson on my head and waited for Riley. The junior events were about to start, and he was taking his grand old time at the truck. "Alright I'm good." "Thank you!" I grabbed his hand and we walked over to the crowd. We found a seat next to Dixie, Zach, Reese, and Parker. Brooke and Blake unfortunately couldn't come to see Lilah, because Brooke was still in recovery from her surgery. I looked over at Dixie. She was smiling. I hadn't seen her smile in what felt like forever. Her and Zach were going to counseling, and things seemed to be getting back to normal.

The announcer came over the loudspeaker. "Welcome back ladies and gentlemen! Today we're gonna start out with the junior barrel racing! Welcome the first contest, I'm sure you all know her name! Give a round of applause for Annie Monroe!" She rode out on her horse and waved to us in the crowd. "She looks so pretty." "She does, doesn't she?" The timer began, and she got the horse going. She got around the barrels perfectly, but right as she turned around the horse hit the barrel and five seconds got docked on her time. She was gonna be upset. The horse ran back from where it came, and the speakers voice came out again. "Give a round of applause to Annie Monroe with a time of 16.835!" Everyone clapped but Dixie and I both knew how Annie felt. Over 15 seconds was disqualified, and ever since Annie started riding, she strived for success. "I'm gonna go check on her, make sure she's okay." Dixie said. "I'll come with you." "No, it's okay Zach, stay and watch Gunner. I'll go with her." I got up from my seat and followed Dixie out to check on Annie. She was brushing her horse's fur, she had tears in her eyes. "Annie, honey it's okay." Dixie said walking over to her. "Mom, I practiced so hard! I just wanted to win!" "Oh, come on Annie, you did great!" "No, I didn't! I hit the stupid barrel." Dixie sighed. "Annie, do you know how many rodeos I've lost?" I asked her. "You've lost none." "Oh, you better believe I have, but you know what? Every time I lose, it just makes me try harder for the next time. You need to think about it that way. There is always gonna be a next time." She nodded.

Dixie pulled her into a hug, and we walked out just in time to see Gunner finish his bull riding. The junior events weren't very long, considering there wasn't that many contestants. Gunner placed 3rd place, so we took the kids to go get something to eat while we waited for Riley's event to start.

1 Hour Later

We walked back to the arena, and the latest contestant was just finishing up. Riley was next. "Please give a warm welcome to two-time champ Riley Bennett!" He rode out on the bull, as the crowd roared with applause. For the first four seconds he had the bull under control, but everything went wrong when the timer hit 5 seconds. I watched it happen. Riley's hand slipped and he lost control which caused him to go flying off the bull. He landed on the ground, hard. Other people, I wasnt sure who came and got the bull. I watched as the medics wheeled him away. I didn't see him move once. "I'm gonna go see if he's okay." I weaved through the worried people in the stands, I walked over to where the ambulances were parked. I got there just in time for the paramedics to be wheeling him out of the arena. "Can I ride with you?" "Sorry ma'am fans can't come with us." "I'm not a fan, I'm his wife." The paramedic nodded. "Alright. Come on." I climbed into the ambulance after her and sat next to Riley. He was knocked unconscious. "Is he okay?" "He should be." I nodded and grabbed his hand. I could tell the paramedic knew that I was scared because she started asking me questions.

"How long have you guys been married?" "Two weeks." "Newlyweds." "Yeah, nobody knows though." "Oh, come on, nobody knows with that giant rock on your hand?" I laughed. "Well to our family and friends we're engaged. We got married in secret at the courthouse before the big ceremony in four months." "That's cute." She smiled at me. "He's gonna be okay." She reached over and put her hand on top of mine. "Thank you."

Third Person Point of View

A doctor checked Riley out, and he had a concussion, a couple bruises, and a broken arm. Brynlee had been waiting in his room for two hours now, waiting for him to wake up. She was now asleep.

Dixies Point of View

When Brynlee texted me the hospital her and Riley were at, we drove over there right away. I watched through the glass. Brynlee was asleep. Her cowboy hat was over her eyes, and her legs were rested on Riley's hospital bed, her boots near Riley's feet. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked to my left and Zach was standing next to me. "She would do anything for him." "She loves him. Reminds me of us." He turned to me. "You know I still love you right?" I nodded. "I don't want a divorce, Dixie." "I'm okay with that." I smiled at him. He rested his arms around my neck and placed his head on my shoulder. I was so happy that me and Zach were finally figuring things out.

2 Days Later; Brynlee's Point of View

"You sure you don't wanna come over?" I asked Riley, who was lying in bed like a baby. "I'm sorry Bryn, I know it's your parent's anniversary and I know Cody is home from college, but my head hurts so bad." "It's okay." I smiled at him "Listen, if things get too overwhelming, call me. I'll come right over." I nodded. "I'll see you later." "Bye." I went out to my car and drove over to Krew and Charlottes house. I didn't knock, but just walked in. Diesel started barking, and Adelaide ran over to me. She was just learning to walk. "Hi Addie!" I picked her up and held her in my arms. I walked over to the kitchen table, where everyone was sitting. "Brynlee!" Cody came over to me and gave me a hug. I handed Adelaide to Charlotte and sat down next to her after Cody let me go. "Bryn, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Emma." I looked over at the blonde who was sitting next to Cody. She sent me a small wave, and I smiled at her.

About an hour later, I was talking to Cody about college and life and other things. "So, I didn't know you were into girls." "I didn't either, I actually did have a boyfriend my first couple of months at college, but I met Emma on the volleyball team, and we just hit it off." "I'm happy for you." "Thank you, so how are you and Riley?" "Well, don't tell anyone but we got secretly married at the courthouse before the big ceremony." "Oh my God! Congrats!" She hugged me. "Shh!" She laughed. Krew walked over to us. "Hey guys, follow me. I have something for Brynlee." We followed him up to our parent's old bedroom that was now a guest room. "Me and Char were looking through some bins in the attic the other day, and I found this." He reached into a blue bin and pulled out a box, but I couldn't see what it was. "What is that?" Cody asked. "The necklace mom wore on her wedding day, and since Brynlee is getting married in 4 months, it's hers." I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my face. I pulled Krew and Cody into a hug. "I miss them so much." "I know, we all do."

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