Chapter 1 {Sold}

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just so everybody knows I'm gonna put a country song on every chapter!

I sat on the back of my horse. A black Stetson sitting on my head, and sweat dripping down my face. I had been training for months for the state finals for barrel racing that I would be traveling to Wyoming for.

"Alright Bonnie you got this." I whispered to my horse. She was a beautiful black thoroughbred with a white spot just on her neck. I gave her a kick and she started running, closely hugging each barrel without touching them. "Come on almost there Bonnie." I cheered her on. We made it to the last barrel and I was hoping she would get around it but she didn't. Her side rubbed up against it and the barrel got knocked over. The last two barrels were so close together and every time we practiced she hit it. "It's okay girl, we'll get it next time." I said petting her neck. I heard the sound of gravel flying and I turned Bonnie around so I was facing the four wheeler that was coming towards me. It pulled to a stop in front of me and I could see it was Krew driving.

"How's she doing?"
"She keeps clipping the last barrel."
"She'll get it eventually."
"Yeah. Why'd you come out here, all the work is done for today."
"Dad wanted me to come get you. Says he has an important announcement. Cody's waiting with him now."
"Alright, I'll bring her out to the barn and come back."
"Are the rest of the horses in the barn or are they still out in the pasture?"
"I brought them to the barn an hour ago so I could practice in peace."
"Alright well I'll come with you so you don't have to walk back to the house." He started the four wheeler and got ahead of me, purposely dusting us. I coughed and wiped the dust out of my eyes before following him to the barn.

I got off of Bonnie and took her saddle off leading her into the barn. I locked her behind the gate and fed her an apple.
"Hurry up Bri! Clearly what dad has to say is important!"
"Relax Krew, I'm coming!" I sat behind him on the four wheeler using my tank top to wipe the sweat off my face. He drove us back to the house and turned the key in the four wheeler to shut it off. I stepped onto the familiar porch and slipped my boots off so I wouldn't track mud through the house. Taking my Stetson off I sat next to Cody.
"Any clue what this is about?" She shook her head no. Krew sat across from me after taking his ball cap off and my dad sat at the head of the table taking his own hat off.

"So dad what's this about?"
"Well I'm sure you all have heard about Mr. Harper passing away. May he Rest In Peace. Anyway, his ranch was put up for auction." I looked over to Krew who I could tell was starting to catch on.
"I put a bid in two weeks ago and I won against the other bidders. We're moving into the Harper's Ranch!" My mouth fell open. What. The. HELL. "Are you serious?" Cody asked. My dad nodded. "Cool! I'm gonna go start packing." She ran upstairs to her bedroom. She looked happy about it, i on the other hand was not and I don't think Krew was either.
"Did you sell the ranch?" I asked in a shallow voice.
"Well of course I did! How else would I have gotten the money? You guys should actually start packing, we're moving to the new place next weekend." Krew scoffed and grabbed his hat before walking out the back door.
"What's his problem?" My dad asked with a hurt look on his face.
"I think he's just mad that you sold the ranch that we were raised in. I don't blame him. I'm a little hurt too." I stood up from the table and placed my hat on my head.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"I'm going to the Peterson's. I'll be back for dinner." I grabbed the keys to my black Chevy Silverado and drove to the bar.

I walked in and instantly heard music playing and saw people having a good time. I sat at the bar next to a girl who I definitely didn't know.
"Hey darling good to see ya!" The bartender and owner of the bar greeted me.
"Hey Brooke, you look like your having a great day." She nodded with a smile on her face.
"What can I get ya sweetheart?"
"Whatever you have on tap is fine." She nodded with a smile and went to get my beer.
I looked to my right at the girl who was sitting next to me. She was dressed in a tight dress with her hair curled and sunglasses sitting on her head. She had heels on and her makeup looked beautiful. It was very different than the jeans, boots, cowboy hat and tank top that most people in the bar including me were wearing.
"Not drinking tonight?" I asked getting her attention. "Oh I'm underage." She answered me. She didn't have an accent which confirmed my suspicions.
"Oh honey, nobody cares how old you are around here. As long as your over the age of 16 Brooke will serve to you. Your not from around here are you?"
"No. My dad was Mr. Harper. I came to finalize the sale."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"It's alright, my mom ditched town with me 17 years ago. When she died he changed his will and left me the ranch. I just hope it goes to someone nice and not some big corporation."
I laughed. "Funny story, you sold it to my dad."
"Oh well you seem like a nice person." I smiled at her. "Brooke!"
"Yeah sweetheart?" "Make that two! On me!" She nodded and grabbed another glass.
"Oh no! You don't have to do that! I'm fine with a soda."
"No it's alright, I insist."
"Thank you. The names Loretta by the way."
"Brynlee." She shook my hand.
"Here you go girls. Just holler if you need anything else!" Brooke placed both drinks in front of us.

"She's cheerful." Loretta laughed. "Yeah but she's a good person, and you get used to her after a while. In fact the only thing I don't like about her is her nephew."
"Really? I'm sure he can't be that bad if he's related to her."
"Believe me, he is." We talked for a couple more minutes before I checked the time and realized that it was getting late.
"I should get going, I promised my dad that I would be home for dinner."
"Well it was nice meeting you! Good luck with the ranch." I grabbed the napkin that was sitting under my beer.
"Here's my number. If you ever need anything or just want to talk give me a call."
"Thank you, maybe I will." I pulled a ten dollar bill out of my pocket and placed it on the bar counter.
"See you around."
"You too."

I took the short drive through town back to our house but before I got out of my truck I sent Krew a text.
Brynlee- Hey where are you?
Krew- I'm at Charlottes. Probably gonna stay the night.
Brynlee- Alright, I'll see you in the morning.
Krew- Alright love you.
Brynlee- Love you.
I put my phone back into my pocket and went inside. My dad and Cody were already eating dinner.

"Sorry I'm late." "Your fine." I grabbed a piece of steak and put some mashed potatoes next to it. I poured a glass of sweet tea and sat next to Cody. After taking my hat off I started eating.
"So, how was school Cody?"
"It was fun actually."
"When's the last day?"
"May 31st." I nodded and we went back into an unbearable silence. We stayed like this until we were done eating. I collected the dishes and Cody went upstairs to study. I began to do the dishes when I heard my fathers voice.

"Your not happy I sold the ranch are you?"
"Not really. You sold our home without talking to any of us. The home that we grew up in. The home that mom lost her battle to cancer in 4 years ago. How could you sell this house without a second thought?" He sighed and I finished drying the plates.
"I did have a second thought Bri. I know how much you kids loved this house but taking the other offer was a great opportunity to build our brand for the future. I did it for you kids." I nodded. "Well I should probably get to bed, I wanna help Cody study for finals so." He nodded.
"Night Dad, I love you."
"I love you too honey."

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