Chapter 22 {Snowed in}

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(2 weeks later)
Warnings: In this chapter I go into depth about how a cow is born, so if that will make you uncomfortable skip the first 3 paragraphs.

I watched the snow fall outside the window. It was getting higher with by the minute. Riley and I were getting ready to go to Krew and Charlottes house, to help deliver a calf and cut up firewood. I put my jacket on and my hat. "Ready?" Riley asked. I nodded and pulled my boots on. I followed him out to his truck and in silence we drove down the hill. The dirt roads were icy, thank God for four wheel drive.

Once Riley stopped the truck I got out and walked into the house. Charlotte was sitting at the kitchen table. "Char aren't you supposed to be in bed?" "Oh shut up. Your my sister in law not my OB." I rolled my eyes at her. "Where's Krew?" Riley asked walking in. "Back porch." He left me alone with Charlotte and now Reese. "Ready?" She nodded and we walked out to the snowmobile. "This snows getting heavy." "I know, I'm worried." "About what?" "Riley's leaving tonight." "He is?" I asked her in complete shock. He never told me the exact day he was leaving. "Yeah, he's leaving for the airport at 5 tomorrow morning." I looked at the time on my watch. It read 7:03 "Well I guess we better not waste any time." we drove out to the barn where the vets were already waiting.

"Hey sorry I took so long Dale." "That's okay. This is Heather my vet student." "Nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand. "You too." I grabbed two plastic gloves and put them over my arms. Reese did the same. "Reese check if the calf is breached or not." She put her arm into the birthing canal. "It's all good." "Alright." As Reese held the calf's legs I put ropes around the front legs. "Reese are you ready?" She nodded, her hands still inside the cow. I slowly pulled the cow out. The mother did not like that. She kicked back at me and I jumped out of the way. "Someone better calm that heifer down before she knocks me out!" I grabbed a hold of rope that was tied to the front legs again, and continued to pull the cow out. As soon as I got all but the back legs out, Reese grabbed them and helped the calf out. "The cows a heifer." I said putting her down on the ground so I could catch my breath. Dale came over to check on her while Heather kept on eye on her mamma. "How's she looking?" I asked peeling the smelly gloves off of my arms. "She looks happy and healthy. Great job Brynlee." He walked over to the front of the barn. "Are you sure it's safe for you guys to drive home Dale?" "We'll be alright dear." "Please drive safe, shoot me a text when you get home and call if you need anything okay?" He nodded. "Good luck with your new heifer." "Thanks Dale, and nice meeting you Heather." "You too." Once they left, Reese helped me set up hay to keep them warm. By the time we left the barn the snow was almost up to my waist and the wind was horrible. "Holy shit!" Reese was almost blown over walking to the snow mobile. "We're almost there!" Needless to say once we got to the snowmobile we went straight to the house. I shook off the snow and took off my boots.

"How's the calf?" Charlotte asked. "She's good, her mama almost knocked Bryn out, but we're good." "Are the boys inside?" "Yeah. Krew's upstairs getting the guest room ready and Riley's in the shower. I figured you guys should just stay here tonight. Reese, do you mind taking the couch?" "No, not at all. It beats driving into town to my house. Good night." "Night Char. Holler if you need anything." She nodded with a smile and I walked upstairs to the guest bathroom where Riley was in the shower. I got undressed out of my clothes and got into the shower with him. I rested my hands on his shoulders. "Jesus, your hands are freezing!" "I know." I said with a laugh.

After we got out of the shower we went into what used to be my bedroom. I lied on the bed next to Riley. "So your being deployed tomorrow?" "I take it you talked to Reese." I nodded. "Why don't you tell me these things?" "I didn't want you to have to say goodbye to me." "I would rather say goodbye then wake up and your not lying next to me." "But Bryn-" I cut him off. "Don't. It's almost 10 at night and this is the last night that I'm gonna be able to sleep next to you for a while. I'm not gonna waste it fighting with you." He nodded and kissed me. "I love you Bryn. Always remember that." "I love you too Ri." "It didn't take long for us to fall asleep.

In the middle of the night, I felt someone shaking me. When I opened my eyes I realized it was Cody. "Brynlee! Wake up! Charlotte's water broke and we're snowed in!"

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