Chapter 7 {The Kiss}

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The next morning, Riley's Pov

I woke up to birds chirping and the sun shining through the windows. The first thing I noticed was Brynlee lying next to me. Her skin glowed in the sunlight. God she was beautiful. I checked the time on the alarm clock too see that it was 6:00. I smiled at her before I was broken out of my thoughts by knocking on the door. "Dude are you decent!" Parker. "No! Let me get dressed!" Shit. I knew Parker wouldn't leave so I had to either hide Brynlee or somehow get her out of the room before Parker came in. I got up out of bed and quickly got dressed in shorts and my t-shirt that was thrown on the floor the night before. "Brynlee, wake up." I went over to her gently shaking her. "It's too early, leave me alone." "Brynlee, Parker is outside my door waiting to come in. You need to hide." She sat up in bed, clearly hearing what I said. I threw her her clothes. "Hide." With a sheet around her she ran into the bathroom. "Dude! What is taking you so long!" "Sorry I was looking for my clothes. Come in!" He opened the door and gave me a look. "Why are you out of breath?" "I was working out before you knocked on the door." "At 6 am?" I nodded "Alright then." "I'm gonna run to the bathroom real quick." My eyes widened knowing that Brynlee was in there. He went to the bathroom and I started searching for my phone to text Brynlee. Instead of my phone, I found a pair of pink panties sitting on the floor. I grabbed them and shoved them into my pocket just as Parker was coming out. "Alright well I'm gonna go get my stuff ready you wanna start heading home at like 7?" I nodded. "Alright. See you in an hour." I followed him out the door and after seeing that he went into his room I went into the bathroom. Brynlee was fixing her hair. "Sorry about that, I didn't know he was gonna come in here." "It's fine, it just wasn't ideal listening to Parker take a piss while hiding in the shower." I laughed. "Well you should probably leave." "Do you want me to leave?" She asked. "No not really." "So then why should I?" She asked smirking. "Believe me the last thing I wanna do is watch you walk out that door, but we have to go home, and besides we can't get caught." She stepped towards me and kissed me again. "Here." I said holding her panties out to her. "Keep them as a remember me bye." She walked past me and out the door before I put them back in my pocket.

Brynlee's Pov

"Ready to go?" I asked Reese. She nodded. I had just picked up Bonnie from the stables and now I was getting ready to get on the road.

9 and a half long..long hours we got back to Garrison

I walked Bonnie out to the stables. Krew was in there. "Hey your back!" He got up from where he was and gave me a hug. "You did amazing out there!" "Thanks. So you know how we always tell each other everything." He nodded. "Is everything okay?" "Riley and I slept together last night." "Oh my God, did you really?" He asked with an amused look on his face. I nodded. "Well since we're sharing secrets I have one for you." "Tell me." "Well for starters, I asked Char to marry me." "What did she say?" "She said yes!" "Oh my God!" I engulfed him in a hug. "Congrats!" He smiled "We're getting married in August." "That's next month, why are you guys getting married so soon?" "That's the other thing, Charlottes pregnant." "Oh my God." I said shocked. "Yeah, she's a month along." "So what like a week after we got arrested?" He nodded. "Your the only one who knows so don't tell anyone yet, you know how fast things spread in this town." "This is a good thing right?" He nodded. "It's a great thing." "Good for you, your gonna be a great dad." "Thanks Bry." "I'm gonna go get ready for bed, it's been a long two days." "Night, love you." "Love you Krew."

I walked out of the stables and back to the house. My dad was sitting at the table staring at a piece of paper. Cody was standing in the living room watching cautiously as I walked into the room. "Is everything okay dad?" "What the fuck is this?" He threw the paper at me. I picked it up and saw that it was all 10 letters I got from Michigan state stapled together. "I told you that if you were able to get a scholarship then you were gonna go to school! Do better than I did! Better than your mom did! Get out of this damn town! Do something with your damn life!" I looked over to Cody. She was always the one who got the mail, and I always told her to throw out the letters, guess she never did. "Why do I need to go to college and waste four years of my life on a degree that I will never use!" "Because Brynlee! I want you to go to college and get out of Colorado! Do something with your life!" I didn't say anything but I rushed through the kitchen and right past Cody. "I can't believe you." I said pushing past her up to my bedroom. I threw a bunch of clean clothes into a backpack.

I went back downstairs. "Brynlee James Matthews, don't you walk away from me!" He said coughing. I turned around at him. "I am 18, I can do whatever the hell I want." He started coughing really bad before falling out of his chair and clutching his chest. Cody ran into the room. "Brynlee, what did you do!" "I didn't do anything!" "Daddy are you okay!" He had passed out by now. Cody kept trying to wake him up and I ran out to my truck to see if my phone was out there. Krew came up the porch stairs just as I went out of the the door. "Woah cowgirl slow down, what's going on." "Something's wrong with dad! Call an ambulance!" He nodded and I went back in the house. I ran over to my dad and Cody. "Hey helps on the way okay? You can't leave us dad, your all we got left."

Once the ambulance got here, it felt like time had slowed down. I held Cody in my arms as we watched our dad get wheeled out on a stretcher and put into an ambulance. Krew rode with the ambulance and Cody and I took my truck.

"I'm sorry for giving dad the letters." "Hey, that is not important right now. Sure I was mad, but I don't hate you. Right now my biggest concern is dad, not those letters." She looked at me with tears in my eyes. "He's gonna be okay right?" "I hope so."

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