Chapter 16 {Halloween}

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6 days later

"Cody, stop moving!" I said trying to apply green face paint to her face. "It tickles!" "Okay, well you have school in 20 minutes so unless you wanna be half witch half human I suggest you sit still." She sighed but that made her sit still so it worked. After I finished painting her face I put bright red lipstick on her lips and she grabbed her hat off my dresser. "Alright I'm leaving, thanks Brynlee!" "Course!" I waved goodbye to her and she walked out the door. Charlotte was already at work, she's a horse instructor for little kids to learn how to ride, and Krew had just gone out to finish the barn. I was gonna help him before I had to leave to go to bar. I quit my job at the diner the other day because they wanted me to work the day of my dad's funeral, and lucky for me Brooke and Blake were hiring. Legally I'm not allowed to work at the bar yet but nobody in this town cares.

"Hey Krew!" "Hey." "What are you doing?" "Riley texted me and told me that he has a surprise for us, and he wants me to come over." "Oh, I'm coming with you." He walked ahead of me to the four wheeler and I got on behind him.

Riley was sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee in his hand. "Hey guys, I got good news." "Really? we could use some good news." "I found your whole herd." "What?" "How is that possible." "I went to check my herd for the first time since the fire, and i noticed a bunch of tags that weren't mine, so I checked the brand and it was yours." "That's great!" "Yeah, if you guys want me to herd them now?" Krew asked "Yeah, I'll help you herd them, Bry, can you go finish the barn it just needs to be painted red." "Get Reese to help, that way she gets her ass out of bed." "I'll get her." I got off the four wheeler and walked up to Reese and Riley's house. "Reese!" She came out from the living room.

"Hey B." "Go get dressed." "Why?" "Cause I need help painting the barn." "Alright, give me a minute." She walked back upstairs and I got a cup of coffee from the coffee machine. Reese came out dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans, and her blonde hair was thrown into a ponytail at the base of her head. "Come on." She followed me out to the four wheeler.

After painting about half of the barn, I had to get going to the bar. "Umm, you can stay and finish if you want or not it doesn't matter." I smiled and went up to my room to get changed into my costume. Brooke was making us all wear costumes, lets just say me and Blake weren't too thrilled. The only difference between me and Blake is that I didn't have a wife to plan out my costume, which is why Riley is lucky he has me. He's gonna be Freddy Krueger, and I'm gonna have a white dress with fake blood spilled on it. I put on the cheap white dress I bought from Old Navy and started to look for the fake blood.

10 minutes later, I still couldn't find it. I walked outside in hopes that Reese was still here. "Took you long enough." She said when I walked out. "Thank God, your still here! Splatter the red paint all over the dress!" "Why! Your wearing a white dress!" "It's for my costume! Please just do it before I'm late to work!" "Fine!" She grabbed a paint brush and started to get the paint all over my dress. "Thank you! Now, make sure your brother is ready in time for the party tonight!" "I will! Have fun serving drunk assholes!" "Yeah!" I flipped her the bird and got in my truck to drive away.

I walked into the bar and Brooke instantly started harping on me. "Your late!" I stopped to look her up and down. She was dressed in a pirate dress, a hat on her head. "That is because your niece was hesitating to throw paint on my dress." She gave me a look. "Actually save me the story, and get behind the bar, I'm gonna go throw up." She said almost throwing up in her mouth. "Okay then."

Many, long hours on my feet later I went home so that I could get my house ready for the party. When I got home Cody and Reese were already outside putting decorations on the porch. Cody still had her witch costume on, and Reese was now dressed as what looked like a zombie. Charlotte came out of the house in a cow onesie carrying a bowl of candy. "Wow, you guys did a great job." "Thanks!" "Where's the boys?" "Riley and Krew are inside the garage putting stuff up and filling the fridge up with beer." Reese answered me. I nodded and made my way into the garage.

When I got there they were moving a ping pong table. Riley had the hat and the striped shirt on, which I have to admit made him look like Freddy Krueger, just minus the scars. Krew was dressed like a farmer. "Hey guys." They placed the ping pong table down and looked at me. Riley eyes traveled up and down my body, I wasn't surprised. I never wore dresses, so when I did he payed attention. "What's this for?" "Beer pong." "And flip cup we can do on the dining room." "Hey geniuses where's the alcohol?" "Brooke and Blake are bringing it from the bar." I nodded. "Well, looks like the parties good to go." Krew left the room after he got a phone call, leaving me and Riley alone. "Come here, I want to take a picture." He got next to me and kissed my cheek as the camera flashed. I posted it to my Instagram with the caption "My Favorite Killer <3"

Hours later, the party was in full swing and me and Reese were looking for people to play flip cup with us. I walked through the kitchen to see if Brooke wants to play. She was standing with Cody, and Lilah cutting brownies. "Brooke wanna play flip cup?" "I can't." "Why?" She looked around us. "Because I'm pregnant." "Oh my Gosh! That's amazing! Congratulations!" I gave her a quick hug. "Can I play?" Cody asked. "No, your 16." "Please!" We needed one more person. "Fine! But your only playing for one round!" "Thank you!" She followed me out to the garage. Reese, Cody, Krew, and Riley were on my team. Parker and a couple of our other friends were on the other team. "Seriously, you asked Cody to be on our team?" Krew asked yelling at me. "She was the only person!" "What about Brooke?" "She didn't want to play." Krew rolled his eyes, but we lined up anyway. "Ready, Set, Go!" I was first, so I downed the beer and flipped the cup easily. Riley was next and it took him two tries but he got it. Next was Cody. She tried the beer, and I laughed when she made a face but she got it down and flipped the cup. Reese did the same causing us to win.

Many more hours later most people that weren't drunk and passed out had left. Riley was in my room waiting for me. "Hey." He was sitting on my bed, the hat now thrown on the floor. "You know you could've put the hat on the dresser or something, right?" I asked picking it up off the floor. "Maybe I just wanted to see you bend over." "Your an asshole." I said sitting next to him on my bed. "Yeah, but you love me." "I do."

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