Chapter 9 {Something Blue}

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1 Month Later


I heard my alarm blaring and my phone ringing at the same time. I rubbed my eyes and after shutting off my alarm I answered the call. "Hello?" "Brynlee where the hell are you!" Charlotte yelled in my ear. "Char, it is 6:30, I'll be there in 20 minutes." "Okay, please tell Reese to get here too." "Okay, bye Charlotte." "Bye." I hung my phone up. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before getting changed into a sweatshirt and a loose pair of running shorts. I grabbed the garment bag that held my dress off the door. I grabbed my phone and the charger and went downstairs. Cody was packing her lunch. I walked past her and put a bagel into the toaster. "I still don't understand why I can't stay home and get ready for the wedding." "Because today is your first day of sophomore year. You need to go." "Fine, I'll see you later." "Bye honey." I watched her walk out the door to go to walk to the bus stop. Riley and Parker walked through the door after her. "You look cheerful." "Parker if you don't shut up I swear I will stab you with this knife." "What are you gonna do with a butter knife?" I pointed it in his direction. "Do you wanna see?" "B, maybe don't stab my best friend." Riley said taking a bite out of my bagel. "I'll stab you too." "I'm sure you will. Where's Krew?" "Probably in his bedroom." Riley nodded and him and Parker walked upstairs. I walked outside to go get a horse. Charlotte was gonna ride down the aisle on a horse, but since her parents don't own a ranch they don't have any, so I'm gonna bring one. I saw Krew's best friend and best man Alex getting out of his truck when I walked outside. "Morning Brynlee." I waved. "Where's Krew?" "I don't know, probably upstairs." He nodded and walked past me.

I walked to the stables to get the horse I was bringing. She's a Clydesdale with white fur, but she has a patch of black fur on her head. She really is beautiful, but she's old. She was my mom's horse, that's one reason I'm using her specifically. As I got closer I heard voices. I made out my dad and Krew. I ended up moving back in a couple days after I left. Things were still rough between me and my dad, but we talked it out and things weren't as bad as they were. I walked into the stable and they were sitting talking. "Krew, your groomsmen are here." He nodded and got up, my dad following not far behind. "Hi Julia!" She was in the first stall when I walked in. I lead her out of the stall and saddled her up. It was a peaceful ride while I watched the sunrise. I rode her over to the trailer that was hooked up to my truck. "Good girl." I fed her a carrot and went back in the house to get my dress. Riley was in the kitchen getting coffee. "I'll see you later." I gave him a quick kiss. "You taste like coffee." "Geez, I wonder why." "Your a smartass." "I know I am. You should probably get going before Charlotte has your head." "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." "Bye!" I waved when I walked out.

After picking up Reese, I drove to Charlotte's house, where we would be having the ceremony. They had a huge backyard so it would be perfect. I knocked on the door and Charlotte's mom answered. "Hi, Mrs. Young!" "Morning, girls. Charlotte is up in her bedroom. Would you like something to eat?" "No, I'm good, thank you." Reese answered. "So am I, Where's Mr. Young?" "He just left to go to your daddy's house." I nodded and walked upstairs. Charlotte was sitting on the ground with her sister Allison. "Finally you guys are here! Come look at the backyard!" I stepped out onto her balcony that overlooked her backyard. Charlotte's family was already out there setting up chairs. There was lights strung, a white carpet, and an archway filled with flowers. It did look beautiful. "Mom just texted me, the hairstylist is here." Allison informed us. I layed my dress on the ground and followed them downstairs. Reese hung in the back. She's been weird the last couple weeks. She's been quiet. She's never quiet. "Reese is that a bruise on your face?" Mrs. Young asked. I looked at Reese and noticed the black and blue mark that spread from her eye to her nose. "I tripped coming down the stairs this morning." "Oh are you okay honey?" "Yeah, I'll be fine." "Oh don't worry honey, I'm sure the makeup will cover it." She nodded. I could tell something was up, but I didn't wanna say anything. "Alright girls, just sit at the island!" The stylist said full of energy at 7:30 in the morning. "Who is my bride?" Charlotte raised her hand. "Alright darling, I'll take care of you, and my stylists will take care of your bridesmaids! Who is your maid of honor?" "My sister Allison." "Alright, let's get this show on the rode!"

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