Chapter 15 {Goodbye}

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side note: sorry for all the mistakes i may have made i have thankfully never had to go to a funeral so i dont know what happens at one.

4 days later. 

I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair curled down my back, a mid length black dress on my body. My dad's photo was now on the side of my mirror alongside my moms. I still had his cross necklace around my neck and I planned on keeping it there. I put a pair of black flats on and a jacket over the dress. I grabbed a pair of black sunglasses and went downstairs. Krew was tying his shoes and Charlotte was putting things in her purse. "Where's Cody?" "She's outside." I grabbed my phone and keys off the table and walked outside. Cody was sitting on the porch step staring up at the sky. It was early so it was still kinda foggy. "Why are you sitting outside? Your gonna get your dress all dirty." "It's black, you won't be able to see it." I nodded and sat down next to her. "It's cold." "It's gonna be cold all day." I took the chain off from around my neck and gave it to Cody. "What's this?" "It was dad's, now it's yours." "Are you sure?" I nodded. She took it out of my hands and put it around her neck. "Come on we're gonna be late." Krew and Charlotte walked past us and over to Charlotte's car. I looked at Cody. "Wanna drive?" She had her permit and since me and Krew were her legal guardians now, she could drive with us. Her face lit up. "Can I?" I nodded and threw her the keys. "Don't kill me."

Cody followed Krew all the way to the cemetery. People were starting to arrive by the time we got there. I grabbed Cody's hand and we walked over to where there was black chairs set up. A casket was on a small platform in front of a six foot deep hole. I grabbed two roses, gave one to Cody, and then sat down next to Krew and Charlotte. "Please everyone take your seats." I watched the array of people who my dad loved or who loved my dad sit down in the arranged seats. "Today we're here to celebrate the life of John Matthews. A beloved father, friend, and husband." I heard someone obnoxiously blowing their nose. Great! Aunt Ginger's here. I wasn't paying much attention to what the priest was saying until he asked if anyone would like to say some words. I raised my hand and walked up to where the priest was. "Hi, umm incase you don't know who I am, I'm John's oldest daughter. Umm I didn't know him as John, only as my dad." I stopped to wipe a tear off my face. "I remember when my mom died, that was the first time I ever saw my dad cry. I was only 15, so when he saw me crying up in my room he told me not to cry because she was gone, but to smile because I had 15 years with her. Well I had 19 years with my dad, and I'm still crying. God, it's only been a couple days and I  miss him so much. The only silver lining to this whole situation, is that he's with my mom again. So, I hope you give heaven some hell dad." I took the rose I had and set it on top of the casket. "I miss you."

After we left the funeral I got changed and came back downstairs. My aunt Ginger was sitting with her 14 year old daughter at the table. "Oh hi Aunt Ginger, I didn't know you were here." "Why yes darling, its a sad sad day, I came to see how you kids were doing." Thats a lie. My dad's will came in the mail yesterday. "Aunt Ginger, if your here for the will, my dad didn't leave you anything. He left us the house and the cabin and all his money went to paying it off." She scoffed. "Your a liar! Come on Violet, let's go home!" She grabbed her daughter and pulled her out of the house just as Cody was walking in. "Brynlee, is it okay if I sleep over to my friends house?" "Yeah go ahead." "Thanks." I nodded and filled my thermos up with coffee so that I could help Krew with the barn.

I walked out to where he was building it. "Need some help?" He was sitting on a beam on top. "I just need to build the roof and the milking stalls for the cows." "What cows would those be?" "Your such a Debby downer." "Do you want help or not?" "Yeah come on up." I grabbed a hammer and climbed up the ladder.

We finished about half the roof when we decided to call it quits. "I'm gonna head next door and see Riley, and Cody's sleeping over her friends house." "Alright, I'll see you later." "Bye." I grabbed my jacket and the keys to the four wheeler. It didn't take long to get to Riley and Reese's house, but of course Riley was still in the excavator. He had to dig a hole where he was gonna build the bar and put a concrete pad in front of it.

I flashed the headlights so he could see I was trying to get his attention. When he stopped the excavator I turned the four wheeler off. "Hey baby." He gave me a kiss. "Hey." "How was the funeral?" "It was hard, I'm not gonna lie." He pulled me into his arms. God I loved his hugs, hell I loved everything about this God damn boy. "I love you Riley."  "I know, and I love you too."

3rd Person Pov

They stayed like that for a while before Brynlee went back to her family, and Riley went back to work. I know your probably wondering why he went back to work so late, well Riley did love Brynlee but he had a secret that he knew would break her, and he had to get it done before that secret was revealed and ruins everything.

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