Chapter 18 {Rifle Season}

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2 Days Later; November 27th

"Cody I don't have all day!" I yelled from my bedroom. I finished packing my hunting clothes and threw my duffel bag over my shoulder, while walking to Cody's bedroom. "Relax! I'm almost done!" "Cody you better be downstairs in five minutes." "Wait. I'm good! I'm coming!" We were going to the hunting cabin for a week. The only thing that sucked was that Cody couldn't come because she had some huge project that counted for 40% of her grade the day after they came back from Thanksgiving break. I walked downstairs with Cody, and Krew and Charlotte were getting ready to leave. "Alright, we're gonna head out." "Drive safe." "We will." "Bye guys." Once they left Cody and I got on the four wheeler and drove to Riley's house.

"Ready to go?" I asked walking into their house. "Yes." Reese answered walking past me with her bags. "Cody, take our bags out to Riley's truck, then have Reese drive the fourwheeler onto the trailer."  I threw her the keys and she took our bags outside. "Ry!" I walked through the house up to his bedroom. I heard him yelling at someone, probably on the phone. I knocked on his door, and I heard him hang up the phone. "Come in." I opened his door and saw that he had wet hair, a sweatshirt and jeans on. "Who was that?" "Oh, it was just the flooring company telling me that the floor for the bar was on backorder." I nodded. "Ready to go?" "Yeah." "Come on." He grabbed his keys off the dresser and threw his duffel bag over his shoulder.

Once we got into his truck I put the address of Cody's best friends house into the gps. It was a 10 minute drive from our houses. I helped Cody get her stuff and walked her up to the door. After knocking, a black haired women answered the door. "Hi, Mrs. Chase, thank you so much for letting Cody stay the week." "Of course honey, and I'm so so sorry about your father. He was a good man." "Thank you." "Cody, Summer is up in her bedroom if you wanna go up." Cody gave me a hug. "I love you Cody, be good okay?" "I will. Love you too." I watched her walk away, then turned to Mrs. Chase "If you and your family ever need anything please don't hesitate to reach out. I grew up with your parents, and they would give the shirts off their backs to anyone who needed it." "I know, and I appreciate it. Thank you again for keeping Cody for the week." "Anytime honey, have a nice trip." "I will, have a good night Mrs. Chase." "You too Brynlee."

2 hours later we made it to the cabin. It was now 8:30 at night and now we were deciding who was gonna sleep where. "There's four bedrooms. Couples over rule singles so Riley and I get one room with a queen sized bed and Char and Krew get the other. Reese you can either sleep in the room with the bunk beds or the room with the full bed, up to you." "I'll take the full bed." "Sounds like a plan. Goodnight." I dragged Riley into our bedroom and almost jumped onto the bed that's how tired I was. "Nice cabin." He complimented laying next to me. "Thank you, I can't wait for you to meet my family." "Are they as crazy as you say they are?" "Yes." "Great." I leaned over to kiss Riley. "Goodnight, love you." "Love you too."

The Next Morning

My alarm went off at the literal ass crack of dawn. I tried getting up to go to the bathroom but Riley just pulled me closer to his chest. "Don't leave yet, your so warm." He mumbled into my back. "I'm going to the bathroom Riley, not outside into the snow." I finally wrestled out of his grip, put clothes on and went out to the bathroom. After leaving the bathroom I went out to the kitchen. My uncle Brad was out there with Krew and Reese. "Hey Bry." "Hi Brad."  he came over and gave me a hug. "Where's your son?" I asked with a yawn, referring to my 19 year old cousin Max. "Outside getting our four wheeler off the trailer." "I'm gonna go see him." I grabbed my rubber muck boots that were near the fireplace in the kitchen and went out into the freezing cold. All I had on was a pair of Riley's sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt so I was cold.

"Want some help?" I yelled up to him. He looked at me from where he was unhooking the trailer. "I wouldn't mind it!" I nodded and walked up the trailer. He gave me a quick hug and I got to work taking the ratchet straps off. "So how's my favorite cousin doing?" I asked him. "I'm good, but I should be asking you that. How are you guys after losing your dad?" "It's getting easier to deal with over time." He nodded and threw me the other ratchet strap. "How's Dixie I haven't seen her in a while?" I asked referring to his older sister. "She's good." I nodded and went to put the ratchet straps into the back of my uncles truck while Max got the four wheeler off the trailer. "Alright, I'm gonna go get my boyfriend up and get changed. Good seeing you Max." "You too Brynlee."

After getting two cups of coffee I went back to the bedroom Riley and I were sharing. He was still in bed. "Here, I brought you coffee, get up." He pulled himself up to sit against the headboard, and took the cup out of my hand. After I placed my own cup on the dresser I started going through my long johns. "I was just outside talking to my cousin, and it's cold and it's snowing so I would wear warm stuff." He nodded and got out of bed in just his underwear. "Where's my sweatpants?" He searched through his bag and the clothes on the floor. "Oh here." I took his sweatpants off my legs and replaced them with a pair of long johns. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna run to the bathroom." In the time he was gone I had gotten a pair of leggings, my hunting pants, the top of my long johns, a turtle neck, and my sweatshirt on.

I  was sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone when Riley finally walked in. "Took you long enough." "I met your uncle." "Oh that makes sense, now get changed so we can leave please, and like I said its cold outside." He nodded and shut the door. I watched him get changed. "You have a cute ass." He laughed at me. "I know." "I really wish there was nobody in this cabin." He turned around in just long johns without a shirt. He leaned down onto the bed and gave me a kiss. "The things I would do to you if we were alone." I smirked. "Get your pretty ass dressed so we can go." "Fine." He gave me one last kiss before getting back up to put the rest of his clothes on. "Alright come on." I gave him his jacket and vest and I grabbed my own along with my bibs.

"Let's go." I grabbed my gun and handed Riley his. I made sure my license was pinned to my vest and then I grabbed an orange beanie and followed him out to our four wheeler. Charlotte didn't want to go this year since she's 7 months pregnant so Reese and Krew were gonna hunt together, Max and Brad were gonna go together, and me and Riley were gonna go together.
I got in front of Riley on the four wheeler. "Don't drop my gun or I'll punch you in the face." "Relax Rocky I won't drop your gun." I laughed slightly and started the four wheeler, to drive up the mountain.

4 Days Later

Over the past four days we continued to hunt, and more family came and went. Brad got a doe, I got a 6 point and Krew and Riley both got 8 points. Now we're sitting at the kitchen table talking memories and drinking beer. "Hey, me and Max are gonna take the four wheelers out I want to see more of the land." Riley said coming over to me. "Alright just be careful." "We will." They walked out of the cabin into the fresh snow.

1 Hour Later

I heard my phone vibrate on the table so I picked it up. Max was calling me. "Hello?" I answered. I listened to what Max had to say and almost jumped out of my seat. "Alright I'll be right there." "What happened?" Reese asked. "Riley flipped the fucking four wheeler. Come on."

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