Chapter 4 {Police}

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"What are we gonna do? We were all drinking!" Cody started to freak out. "Cody relax, we'll be fine, and you weren't drinking." The cops started to park. "Anyone under the age of 21 who was drinking, please come forward!" I looked at Reese and I could tell she was thinking what I was thinking. I looked behind us too see the cops starting to walk towards us. "It's now or never." Reese nodded. I grabbed ahold of Cody's hand and took off. "Come on kids!" Two cops started to chase me, Riley, Reese, Cody, and Parker. Krew and Charlotte stayed back realizing they would be in less trouble if they didn't run. "Why are we running!" Cody yelled. "Do you wanna get arrested?" She shook her head no. "Then keep running!"

"Not so fast!" A cop on someone's four wheeler pulled in front of us bringing us all to a stop. "We were so close." Reese sighed in defeat. "Were we?" Riley asked a cop already placing handcuffs on him. "Ma'am please put your hands behind your back. You have the right to remain silent anything you say or do can and will be used against you in a court of law." A female cop announced while putting handcuffs on my wrists. "Dad is gonna be pissed!" Cody said on the verge of tears. Cody was extremely different than Krew and I. She literally never drank, never cursed, and never got in trouble. Krew and I on the other hand were always in trouble whether it be with the police or with our dad. "Officer she didn't drink, I wouldn't let her." "She still ran from the cops, she still committed a crime." I gave her a sympathetic look knowing that if I didn't make her run she wouldn't be arrested.

After booking they placed me in a cell with Krew and Cody. Reese, Riley, and Parker were in the cell to the right of us, Charlotte didn't get arrested since she wasn't drinking. Cody was sitting in the corner crying her eyes out. "Cody your gonna be fine." "I'm gonna go to juvie!" She cried out. "Your not gonna go to juvie Cody." She shut up but kept crying. "Krew, Cody, and Brynlee Matthews your free to go." A cop came over and unlocked the cell. "Told you." I whispered to Cody. "Good luck." Reese said when we walked past her cell. I saw my dad waiting for us. "He looks pissed." Cody ran over to him and gave him a huge hug. "Kiss ass." I mumbled under my breath. After the police officers handed us our stuff we followed our dad out to his truck. Of course daddy's little angel sat up front. "What were you kids thinking!" "I was thinking the cops weren't gonna show up, usually nobody calls the cops!" "That's not an excuse Brynlee!" I stayed quiet. "When we get home your both gonna give me your phones and the keys to both of your trucks. Your not leaving the house for a week!" "What about Cody! She was at the party too!" Krew said clearly pissed that Cody wasn't getting punished "Don't worry about Cody! She was only there because you guys made her come." I rolled my eyes. "She came on her own."
"How am I gonna get to work dad?" I asked calmly trying not to piss him off more. "I'll drive you back and forth myself." I nodded. When we got home my dad didn't lie. He took both our phones and our car keys

1 Week Later

"Here is your keys and your phones, next time you get chased by the cops don't get caught." "Great advice dad." I grabbed my hat and walked outside. "Where are you going?" "I was locked in this house for a week, I'm getting the hell out of here." I got in my truck and drove away without a clue where I was going. I decided the bar. Ironic since the reason I was locked up in the house was because of drinking. "Hey Brooke." "What are you finally free?" I nodded with a laugh.
"What can I get you?" "Rum and coke." "Coming right up." I watched her prepare the drink for a minute before looking around at my surroundings and who was here. I saw Riley sitting at one of the tables and a blonde girl was across from him. He didn't look too interested in what she was saying but I could tell that he was listening nonetheless "Here you go Bri." "Thanks Brooke." "Course." "So what's your name?" I looked to my right where there was a middle aged man sitting next to me. "Your too old for me, I'm not interested." "Oh come on let me buy you a drink." "I already have a drink." "Let me buy another one? Please?" "I'm waiting for someone." I lied. There was something about his smile. It was creepy. "Please." He placed his hand on my wrist. From the corner of my eye I saw Riley getting up and going to the bathrooms, I didn't wanna ask him for help but I was extremely uncomfortable and he wasn't taking no for an answer. "Tell you what I'm gonna run to the bathroom and then I'll let you buy me that drink." I said faking a smile. He nodded and lifted his hand off my wrist for one second allowing me to get up.

I walked to the hall where the bathrooms were. I made it there just as Riley was walking out of the men's room. I stepped in front of his 6' tall figure that stood taller than my 5'7 figure. "Riley I know we don't exactly like each other but I need your help." He smirked at me. "Woah the high and mighty Brynlee Matthews needs my help?" "Look Riley I'm sure your enjoying this, but I really need your help." His expression changed into more of a caring one. "Is everything alright?"
"There's a super creepy guy out there and he won't leave me alone. Normally I would handle it myself but he's giving me a bad vibe and I just don't want him to like follow me home or something. I told him I was waiting for someone so could you pretend to be my boyfriend to scare him off?" I asked hoping he would say yes. I mean to someone who didn't know Riley he did look kind of intimidating in his Wrangler jeans, cowboy boots, and baseball cap on his head. "Yeah I'll help you, follow my lead." I nodded and he held his hand out in front of me. I gave him a confused look "Hold my hand idiot. At least try to make it convincing." I laughed and held his hand. I could feel the rough callouses from him working on his ranch, but for some odd reason it felt right holding his hand. It was weird.

He walked in front of me and led me back to the bar. Brooke sent us a weird look but I just winked at her in return. "Ahh finally your back, now let me buy you a drink." "No thanks, I told you I was waiting for someone and he's here now." Riley looked the man sitting on the barstool up and down. "I think you should stop acting like a perv and leave my girlfriend alone." I could see Brooke clearly enjoying this from out of the corner of my eye. "She seemed to be enjoying it before." Riley wrapped his arm around my waist and hugged me closer into his side. "I assure you she wasn't. Now I suggest you leave this bar and stop praying on girls that your 2 times older than before I enjoy beating the living shit out of you." The man looked at Riley trying to decide if he was bluffing or not. I assumed that he figured Riley would actually beat the shit out of him because after he placed a 10 on the bar he grabbed all of his stuff and walked out of the bar.

I sat at the bar stool I was sitting at before. "That was quite a show! When's the next act?" "Your an ass Aunt Brooke." "Brooke, a beer for Riley on me?" "No your not buying me a beer." "Why not? I mean I pulled you away from your date.." He cut me off. "I should be thanking you she's not exactly good company." I looked back to the table that Riley was once sitting at and the girl had already moved onto a new guy. "I'm buying you this drink whether you like it or not." He tried hiding his smile but I could see it creeping up when Brooke handed him the beer.
"I guess your not as bad as I once thought. Thank you for saving me from him."
"Anytime." "Seriously Riley, I owe you one."

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