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Hello there; I know it's been more than a month. A lot happened, but so many people have been reading and commenting that I want to return to this story.  Let's see if I still have it. 

Deku's Pov

His clothes are drenched, a mystery in itself. "Have you been swimming?" I ask, my curiosity piqued. He smiles; his answer is cryptic. "I accidentally fell in," he says, "and decided to stay in the river until you arrived." I walked over to the bag that I had dropped when Kacchan attacked me. Rummaging through the bag, I find my towel and hand it to him. He looks thankful. I watch him dry off, my mind filled with questions. He smirks at me, his actions leaving me even more intrigued.

"If you take a picture, it will last longer, Deku." He steps closer, his presence almost overwhelming. He wraps the towel around my neck, yanking it to pull me closer. The heat of a blush spreads across my cheeks. "Always be on your guard!" With a swift movement, he wraps the towel around my neck. 
I am surprised. He goes to yank the towel upwards, but I push him away before he can, making him abandon the towel.

As I stand by the river, water rushing past is the only interruption to the otherwise silent afternoon. We circled each other, our eyes fixed on each other, and there was a mix of determination and excitement on our faces. I make the first move, punching forward, but he avoids it with a quick sidestep. He smirks, the challenge in his eyes clear. "Not bad, nerd," he taunts, "but you'll have to do better than that." 

I smile at the challenge, my eyes glinting with determination. Bakugo never holds back, making the fight even more fun. With a flash of movement, I lunge again, using my speed to my advantage. Bakugo dodges, his body moving in a whirl of motion, easily avoiding my blows. He counters with a swift kick, sending me stumbling back. "Don't get cocky," Bakugo warns, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. 

Bakugo pulls out a butterfly knife from his pocket, flipping it open with a swift gesture. The sun catches on the blade as he uses it to block my kick. I step back, surprised by the sudden addition to the fight. I look at Bakugo with a mixture of curiosity and caution. Bakugo smiles, his eyes glinting with a dangerous edge. "You didn't think I'd make it easy for you, nerd?"

I reach behind me and pull out a training staff from my bag. I grip it tightly, my eyes flickering with determination. Bakugo's smile widens." So you brought some backup, eh? Bring it on, nerd!"

As Bakugo advances,  I spin the staff expertly, blocking his strikes with practiced ease. Despite the added difficulty of the knife, I'm unfazed, and my every movement is precise and calculated. My eyes remain locked on Bakugo, who seems to relish the challenge. "You're getting predictable, Kacchan," I tease with a smirk, using the flat end of the staff to knock the knife out of Bakugo's hand.

Bakugo scoffs, his hand shooting out to grab my staff. He yanks it toward him, but I  hold fast, pulling back with equal force. We struggle to control the staff, our faces inches apart, our breath mingling in the air. For a moment, it seems we are not fighting at all; our bodies pressed close together in an almost intimate embrace.

As Bakugo lets go of the staff and takes a step back, I can't help the blush that creeps up my cheeks. Our bodies were so close together, I could feel the heat radiating off of Bakugo's shirtless chest, and the feeling of his breath against my skin sent a shiver down my spine. I try to compose myself, but my eyes betray my emotions, lingering on Bakugo's chest for a moment too long. Bakugo notices the blush, a smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. "You're getting distracted, nerd." He taunts.

I snaps out of it, embarrassed by my own reaction. I swings the staff in a show of annoyance. "I was just caught off guard," I mutters, trying to hide my  flushed cheeks. Bakugo laughs, enjoying the effect he has on me. "Sure, sure. That's why you were staring at my chest, huh?" 

My cheeks burn brighter, my grip tightening on my staff. "Shut it, Kacchan! I wasn't staring," I mumbles, looking away. Bakugo chuckles, taking a step forward. "Oh, but you totally were. It's okay, I don't mind." 

My blush intensifies and I try to cover it with a scowl. "I was thinking about our strategy," I insists, shifting his weight. Bakugo steps closer again, closing the distance between them. He reaches out, placing a hand on my arm. "You were thinking about my body, weren't you? Admit it."

My breath catches in my throat, my cheeks burning hotter than ever. i can't help the way my gaze flicks down to Bakugo's chest again, taking in the toned muscles and the sweat glistening on his skin. I looks up, meeting his eyes, my voice barely a whisper. "Maybe... yeah... I was."

Bakugo, realizing that i am too focused on his body, sees an opportunity to end the fight and shoves me into the river. With a swift, strong push, he uses the force to send me flying backwards into the river with a loud splash.

"Be glad I can swim Kacchan! Or you would have been saving me!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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