The Entrance exam pt 1

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Oh hi!

Now bye!

Dekus POV:
I wake up early to my alarm. My body aches. All the training we did in the last week has drained me. I have learned so much from kacchan. Speaking of him. He should be here soon. I grab the costume kacchan got me and put it in my bag. Then stuffing weapons in the bag and hoping the alarm won't go off.

I run down the stairs. Grabbing a piece of toast and running out the door only to run into a figure. "Watch where you're going Deku." I look up and see kacchan. He's wearing a black tank top paired with some dark green shorts, and orange Converse. "Let's go your going to be late." I nod shut the door behind me and walk next to kacchan.

Short timeskip~

Arriving at UA I am reminded of the guard I killed. I slightly smile. Kacchan notices and ask what I am Smiling about. I say nothing and ask him to wait for me by the gate. He nods and hugs me.

I walk into the auditorium and find an empty seat. I patiently wait. Soon present mic comes out on stage and starts talking about what's expected to happen.

Hello, there young heroes! You will be expected to take a written part of this exam. But the physical part is this. The board turns on and we see teams. Your sorted into teams. One being heroes and the other being villains. We will have a one to one battles. It does not matter if you lose the battle. This is to see who can handle situations well. Oh, there will be a twist in all of the battles. Well, what are you waiting for? Get into your teams!
Everyone gets to their teams and I see a lot of people. We are released into the dressing rooms to change into our costumes if we have one.

Once entering the locker room I find a locker and set my bag inside. I look to my left and see a boy with a scar on his face. He looks at me and I realize I have been staring. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was just surprised by your hair and scar. I will change now." He looks at me and shrugs. I take off my all-might shirt and start getting into a kacchan-made costume. Everyone looks at me. I look back confused. Ignoring them I walk out the door only to be greeted with a yellow mop of hair. "Oh sorry dude! I hope I did not shock ya!" He walks in and finds a locker.

I arrive at the designated area for our team. A guy comes out wearing all black. Eraserhead? What's he doing here?

Listen up! I am your instructor! I will be telling you what role you are in and to take you to the arena. You guys are heroes. Good luck.

With that, he starts leading us to the arena. I Think about how I can make my skills work in the arena.

We arrive at the arena. Sure I was impressed by the size. but what was more impressive was the big whiteboard with everyone's name on it. Midnight came to announce who will be fighting first. Iida vs Uraraka! Please step onto the designed area. Everyone else will watch from their seats. If you knock your person out of the ring you win.


Midnight announces that a break will commence and that Izuku and Todoroki will fight next. I go to the prep room and think of ways to break his ice. And what to do if he uses his fire. In the last few minutes of waiting, I hear some students talking.

"I hear izuku is qurkless! He's gonna get killed!!" "wait! theirs a quirkless kid in this thing?!" I walk out and pass the students. They look at me and start whispering. Making it to the ring people are whispering having heard the other students. Midnight looks at me then proceeds to begin the match. "Begin, Anything is allowed!" Immediately I am on guard. Todoroki throws some ice at me not expecting to dodge it. Instead, I jump on his ice and go in for a close-range attack. he moves last minute and tries punching me. I dodge it and grab my green knife. Looking at his left arm I decide what I am going to do. He throws more ice at me and I dodge his attack once more. Once up close I create a smoke screen. While the smoke is up I aim for his left arm. He tries shooting ice in random directions. Failing I finally reach his arm and cut all of the nerve points. This makes him scream out in pain. In the heat of the moment, I don't realize he created an ice knife. He throws the knife at me hitting me in my shoulder. Flinching at the pain I kneel to the ground. He falls and midnight declares me the winner. I am told to go to recovery girl and prepare for my next match. She looks at my wounds then todorokis. "You're a dangerous kid, please try and not to kill anyone while your here" I nod and head back to my seat. I am the farthest from the group. They look at me and I smile at them. They don't know I know all of their names, powers, and weaknesses.

Edited on 7-23-23

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