I have to what?!

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Why hello there! we are almost at 100 votes! And we already hit 2k reads! thank you so much. I am sorry for not updating as often. I have work and school. They interfere with everything. Anyways on the chapter!

Dekus POV:

"Deku how did you get the lock off?" I smile. "it's a secret." I get called into the boss's office with everyone else. "Why Hello there everyone! I hope you had your tea and biscuits this morning because we're infiltrating today!" I hear as I look at the screen. "Deku this is going to be your first mission. You're going alone. The details will be sent to your new phone. Toga has your new phone. Only contact us on this phone. No one else." I nod and agree. Toga hands me a sleek black phone. And she hands me a bag. "what's in the bag, sir?" Toga laughs and explains that for this mission I need to remain a secret. So a disguise is necessary. I look in the bag and see a black hair wig and contacts. I also see some makeup. "Is the makeup to hide my freckles?" Toga nods and tells me she will help me apply it later. "Deku don't mess this mission up. You do you will pay for the outcome." I agree and am told to head home.

I get a text from kacchan asking me where I am. I reply I got lost and am almost home.

Getting into the house I set the bags down and start putting dinner away because it's still early. I hide the bag with the wig and contacts in my pockets. "Hey kacchan I am home!" No response. I go looking in the living room and I don't see him. Going back into the kitchen to grab the stuff I bought for kacchan I head for my room.

When I get to my room Iigwam was greeted with a surprise. Kacchan is passed out on my bed but the room is ransacked. I start putting things away. Making sure to put away the wig and contacts first. After about 20 minutes I sit down at my desk. He always looks so peaceful sleeping. I move a piece of hair from his face and he mumbles something. It's too quiet to hear. He mumbles again and I hear it clearly. "Don't jump Deku!" I get up from my desk.

Slowly I get into bed with kacchan. I whisper "Hey it's ok I am here." He
Rolls over and puts his arms around me. He pulls me in tight and doesn't let go. I fall asleep in his arms.

A few hours later I wake up from my nap and see that kacchan is passed out still. Getting out of his death grip I go downstairs. I put away the food from dinner that I forgot to put away. Looking at my phone I am greeted with the file. I should probably read this. I read that I will have to infiltrate UA to get the files of the new students. They are on the third floor. They also tell me that I need my second costume for this mission. Looking at the clock I see that I have three hours before I have to be back at base. 

An hour later~

I get out of the shower and dry my hair. I put the wig on like Toga has instructed me to. I get dressed in a full black suit the undershirt is a dark green. I grab the contacts and put them in. My eyes look red and not green. I grab the last bit of my costume which is a mask. The mask covers half of my face. It's just your standard mask. My actual mask is being made. 

I write kacchan a note, then leave. I reach the hideout in minutes. 

Entering I am greeted by Toga and her set of knives. "Choose one knife to take with you" I look over the knives. There are different types. Ones with big blades, some with small ones. Some have colors. Some don't. A medium chrome knife catches my eye. I pick it up and test its weight. Seems good enough to throw if need be. I show Toga the knife and she smiles. She hands me a knife holder for my belt. And gives me a smaller one for my leg. "Go meet All for one, he's downstairs"

Walking into the room I am greeted with all for one. "Deku. Today you will be going on a mission for us. If you fail this mission it will fall on you. You will be held accountable for this failure. You will be punished. Do you accept these terms?" I look at him and firmly say yes. I am then pushed into a room. My eyes adjust. I am greeted by a man. Please choose an area on your body. I say my back. He then tells me to take off my shirt. I do as he says and am greeted with a burning and pain. I look up and he's holding a branding iron with a symbol on it. "I wish you luck on the mission." 

Adjusting my shirt, I walk out. Toga is there smiling. "Welcome to the league Deku!" She pushes me out the door and kurogiri is there. "I am here to transport you to UA. Are you ready?" I nod and he opens the portal. It's now or never. No turning back.  I step through the portal. I am greeted by the lawn of UA. He could have got me into the building. Jerk! Looking at the building I see what I have to do. I walk straight through the front doors. 

The office I am looking for should be on the third floor. Office 102 is what I am looking for. Walking up the steps quietly as I can I make it to the third floor. This is the floor. Where's the door?! Hearing a door slam I see someone angrily walk my way. Shit! Deku think! Hiding? Fighting? What about playing innocent? That could work. He's coming! What do I do! I feel a vibration from my phone.  It's toga. "All for one says if you need to you can kill some of the employees you can. We will clean up later. Remember Deku you are part of the league now. Act like it!"  There's only one way I can get out of this. I have to do what they want me to do. I hide and wait for the person to pass. I unsheathe my chrome knife. The person passes. I am sorry!  I jump at the person and press the knife to their throat. They try to scream but I slit their throats before they had a chance. Running to the office I check the area to make sure no one is around then enter. 

The office is small and has papers everywhere. "To be expected, they are just starting school in a week." I start looking around the room. The coffee table is the only place clear. One by one I find the files. I shove them into my bag and start to head for the door. As I close the door I hear someone behind me."What are you doing?" I sprint while calling Toga. she's laughing. "Shut up and help me! is there roof access?" She replies with a yes. but it's 12 floors up. Hearing footsteps running after me I pick up my pace. About halfway there, so on floor 6, I hear the person behind me call for backup. 

Making it to the roof I call kurogiri. "Can you make me portal when I say to?" He mumbles a response. "wait you want me to jump! I can't do that this building is like 20 floors!" " Well, then it was nice knowing you Deku. It was just a leap of faith but you know." I sigh. I walk over to the edge and look down. "Maybe I will get a quirk in my next life. Right, kacchan?" Just as I am about to jump the guard that was chasing me burst through the doors. He sees me at the edge. "Don't do this There's more to life than stealing and suicide!" I smirk. "You really think that I was going to jump because I wanted to end my life? Well, wrong I was going to jump because of a friend showing up!" Making sure the bag is secure. I open my arms and turn backward and jump. "Tell all might I said hi! NOW KUROGIRI!" Just as I am about to slam into the floor a portal appears and I face plant into the bars floor.  "So did you get the files?" Toga asks.

Edited on 7-723-23

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