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Hello! I am trying something out in this chapter. What I am trying is Villan deku x kacchan. I want to try this but not sure if will work with the storyline. So If you guys hate it let me know and I will end the ship for this story.  Well anyways on to the story. Enjoy!

Kacchan POV
Ugh. My head hurts. Deku walks in with a glass of water. He hands me the glass with some pills. "It's ibuprofen it will help with the head. "Thanks, I don't remember much. What happened?" He explains that I slipped and fell while walking into the bathroom. "So I carried you out here and waited til you woke up." He says. I look up. Should I tell him? I don't think he knows that I remember. Oh well. "So what do you wanna do?" He suggests a movie. Later into the movie, he leaves saying he's tired and is going to bed. An hour later I go to check up on him. Why am I doing this, this is so stupid! He's laying in bed with a notebook off to the side of him opened. Hmm, what's this nerd? I pick it up. It's his diary. Should I read it? No no, I should not. I throw his diary back on the desk. Shit I missed it.  The journal falls and lands open. I go to pick it up when a page catches my eye. It's about me.

My eyes widen I continue to read his journal til I get to the last line on the final page written in. " I do not know if I want to become a hero or villain." Deku what happened to you? you used to be so sweet but now... Wait I may have an idea. what if I change your mind about becoming a hero? Then we can go back to being friends again! Now all I have to do is wait for Deku to wake up.

Deku's POV

I wake up and see that it's sunrise. I stretch and begin to do my normal morning things. I head downstairs, forgetting kacchan is still here. I start to make myself breakfast and kacchan asks what's for breakfast. " I honestly forgot you were here. If you want something go ahead and make it. " He starts to make his food as I finish making mine.  After eating I decide to change and watch some tv. Soon after kacchan joins me in watching How to Train Your Dragon. After the movie ends I go to leave,  but he stops me from leaving saying he wants to talk. 

Kacchan POV

Hmm, will Deku believe what I am about to say? " How would you like to become a hero?" Deku looks confused and says what. "Well you see I felt bad for bullying you and wanted you to achieve your dream of becoming a hero, I would train you. You don't even need a quirk to be a hero, you can be trained in weapons and other ways. We will start out small then upgrade you to other weapons."  I look up not realizing I was looking down and see that Deku is shocked. He starts to stutter and thanks me while crying. The next thing that happens shocks me. I see a fluff of green and see that Deku is hugging me. "So I am taking that as yes?" He nods excitedly and is smiling wide. I realize that he is hugging me. He soon notices this and lets go. No come back you were warm. Wait what the hell am I thinking?  I don't like this nerd.  Deku looks at me confused and asks me if I am ok. I nod and suggest that we have dinner and then after we go start training. 

Dekus Pov 

I don't know what to think. I hit kacchan over the head and now he wants to help me! Did a switch flip inside him I am so confused!!!

He says my name and I look up. He looks happy to me respond to him. He asks if I am ready to start training. I nod and we leave my place to head to his.

Oh look I changed some things!!! I hope you like the changes. Anyways I have a co-editor person who helps me figure out what I want to do. This is gonna be a bumpy ride but I hope you can hang in there with me. And look I am updating a day before I actually have to.

Edited on 7-23-23

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