Deku why?

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Art, not mine. Suicide thoughts. Why hello there people! I am sorry I have not posted in a couple of days. First work second summer reading and third um shows...
Anyways this chapter is gonna be long.( hopefully) Also again italics are thoughts and "" are what they are saying. Anything else is just detail. Also, look at the picture there's something at the top you can't see.

Why should I have to leave you alone Deku? What the hell happened to you? What happned to the nice deku? I am gonna find out what happened to you Deku. I will if it's the last thing I do.

Dekus POV
Kachan is staring at me. Why? I wonder if he found out. Or maybe he's trying to figure it out! I feel a hand on my shoulder making me jump out of my thoughts. " Oh Hi kacchan... what's up? Did you need something? Oh sorry for skipping today I just did not feel well, so I stayed home. I hope I did not miss much today. Welp, I gotta go see you tomorrow!!" I panic. He might know. He may seem dumb but he is surely not. I need a plan. As I am walking I run into someone. I look up to see that it's all might.

All Mights POV

I am heading to the school when I run into someone. I look down to see Midoriya. " Just the person I wanted to see! Can I talk to you for a minute young Midoriya?" He nods and follows me. This teenage boy might have the power to surpass me if he had my power.
" Young Midoria I told you that you could never be a hero without a quirk. I lied. My Power One for All has the ability to be passed on to a new user. Once passed on you will have to make one for all yours. Are you up for being a hero!" At this point, Midoriya is crying on the ground. "Here's my number, I will text you later for a spot to meet up and train." He nods and takes the paper. While he is looking at it I walk away.

Midyora's POV

ALL MIGHT JUST SAID THAT I COULD HAVE A QUIRK! I should tell the league to see what they think is best. Oh and If I get his power I can get into U.A. and mess bacugos year up! I start skipping to the league's bar when Bakugo stops me. " Why are you so happy nerd?" I stop skipping and look at him. Should I tell him? But it will ruin our plan... hm. " My mom just texted me and said we're having my favorite dish tonight. So I am really excited!" He looks at me and shrugs. " what did u think it was kacchan?" He looks at me again. " IDK THAT'S WHY I ASKED YOU! YOU DAMN NERD!" I flinch. I hate that, I hate that I flinch every time. I can't wait til he is in my shoes. I just turn and walk away. As I am walking Bakugo gets a text from our mom telling him to meet up at Mydorias house because they are having dinner there.

Once we arrived I am greeted by my mother and Bakugo's mother. " Good afternoon! How was school today? Did you learn any cool hero moves today?" She bombards me with questions. I reply to most of them. Backugo is just staring at me and my mom.

" Hey, I am gonna head to my room to start on homework. I will see u at dinner." She nods and tells me to take kacchan to study with me. I walk to my room with kacchan behind me looking around. There's my bed in the top right corner. The door to the bathroom is in the bottom right. A desk in the left corner, and a dresser in the last corner. I get out a small table for kacchan and he sits on my bed while I take my desk. It's quiet. I glance behind me to see that kacchan is working on his work. I should start on mine. I get halfway done with my work when I am interrupted by the urge. Dammit, I can't right now kacchan is here. Maybe if I am fast and quiet I will be ok. I get up and walk towards my bathroom. Kacchan glances at me and proceeds to work on his work. I shut the door and grab the knife that I hid in here the other day. I unwrap my arms and look at the cuts. Pink swollen cuts. The pain is gone from them. Time to change that!!

If you wanna skip this part there will be another bold area saying that it's done with.

I drag the knife over the cuts I did with the razor. The razor has such small cuts. I think I may have found my favorite cutting tool. Again I continue to cut over previous cuts. Making them slightly deeper. I am so lost in thought I don't hear my mom yell that dinner is done. I am almost done when I hear kacchan come near the door. I hid the knife. Pull my sleeves down and pull the curtain back. Luckily I did it in the tub this time so all I have to do is rinse it when I get back. He comes in and I am watching my hands. "Hey, your mom called us for dinner. And you were taking forever so I came in." He explains. "You could have knocked! I could still be on the toilet!" He walks away saying yeah yeah. " Let's go I am starving and your taking forever." I walk with kacchan to the dining room and sit in my normal seat.
(for anyone who skipped they are at dinner)
"So how is it?" My mother asks. I look around and everyone is almost done with their meal. " I would say it's amazing! Everyone is almost done." I respond.

After dinner

We are sitting in the living room watching the Avengers. I look down and see that some of the blood is showing from the cuts that are not bandaged up. I quickly pull down my sleeves. This makes kacchan look at me.

Kacchans mom gets a call. "Looks like I am gonna have to go in to work. Bakugo you are gonna stay the night here and I will drop off clothes in the morning." Kacchan starts to argue with his mom. I head to my room to get away from the yelling. I head to the bathroom to clean the tub. But looking at the blood again makes me wanna cut again. Do I do but not as bad as the first time? I forget to lock the door and I hear it creak open slowly. "Deku? Are you in here? I wanted to assssk......what the hell!! What are you doing?! SHITTT kacchan... what am I gonna do. I know! "kacchan you found me, and you know my secret. What shall I do with you?" I flaunt the knife around, back and forth. Back and forth. The blood dripping from my arms onto the floor and my clothes. Behind me, I grab the shampoo bottle. I get up from sitting on the edge of the tub.

I start walking towards kacchan. He's nervous, I can see the extra sweat on him. This is so fun! He remains still and quiet. Now I am 4 steps away from him. "See this knife? It's my favorite cutting tool." Shutting the door behind him I pin him with the hand holding the knife. "I use it for my own blood. DON'T make me use it on you." As I stare into his red eyes. And slash! Right across the face. A nice red and bloody cut opens up on ki face. I lean in close to kacchans face. " Ah sweet sweet blood" I kiss the gash and his cheek. Before he can react I hit him over the head with the shampoo bottle I was hiding. "Worst dreams kacchan!" I say as he falls unconscious.

So a lot of this chapter is about cutting but there is a key element in one of the paragraphs. I am gonna put a line above the paragraph. Then the rest is normal. Also, I wanna do a deku x kacchan with this but I am not really sure how it will go. Leave your comments below about it. Also, I will do a test chapter soon for it in the story. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. 1455 words.

Edited on 7-23-23

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