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Hey, this is a heads-up. School started up again. Yay! I am a senior meaning I am going to get busy. But I will update.

Deku's POV:

Kacchan finally leaves and I can relax for a bit. My mother comes in and tells me she's going to be late coming home. Great! If the league needs me I can leave. Right on cue I get a message. Please meet us at this address. XXXX.

"Well, time to become a villain." I walk out and start walking. Soon I come across the address. I take a deep breath and knock. After a while the door opens up. A tall man with dark hair and blue eyes answers the door. I look closely. His skin had purple patches that looked stitched in. " Welcome Deku! We were waiting for your arrival." Following this man we go deeper into the room. The room looks like a bar. It's well-kept. There are even booths. Bar stools as well? The man chuckles. "What?" He looks at me." You're like a child in an amusement park. Everything is new and fresh. My name is Dabi" Dabi walks up to the bar where a man? I think the man is standing cleaning a glass. "You must be Deku. He's waiting for you. Down the hall and on the left." I hear good luck from Dabi.

Entering the room I see a black Sollowett. He's sitting at his desk. "Ah, Deku! A pleasure to meet you. I understand that you are trying to keep your being a villain away from your family and friends. There you will be permitted to go back home when needed. But you will always have a bed here. Also, we need to tailor a suit for you today." I nod not knowing what to do. He gestures to a door. In that room, you will find our tailor.

Entering the room I see many suits and villain costumes. "Ah you must be Deku. I am the tailor for the league. Now did you have anything in mind for an outfit?" I mumble a no and he smiles.

~Time skip~

Man, that was fun. It was more of a game of dress-up than anything. He even played music. I am just glad we found something that suited me. Walking home I wonder if they are going to contact me again. My phone buzzes. " Oh it's kacchan"

Hey nerd! Wanna hang out later?

Sure! I will meet you at my place in 20.

Sure! See ya~

I sigh and wonder when my training with him will continue.

Meeting up with kacchan on the way home. We walk into my house and my mother is not home. "Where's Inko?"

Kacchan POV:

"Oh, she works late tonight. So I guess we fend for ourselves tonight." Heading into the kitchen I look in the fridge. "how about pancakes?" Deku agrees and heads upstairs. I assume he's about to change. I focus on making the pancakes. Deku comes back looking like he saw a ghost. "hey what's wrong?" He shrugs and says nothing. He asks if the pancakes are ready. I hand him a plate and he smiles. He runs over to the couch and starts digging in.

Dekus POV:

As I went to go change I got a text from Dabi.

Hey! You forgot your suit here. I will be coming over to deliver it for you so make sure no one is home.


I change and think of a way for kacchan to leave. I ask if the pancakes are ready and he hands me a plate. I walk to the couch and start eating. "hey kacchan? " he looks up from his food and nudges me to continue. "I forgot I was going to meet up with someone soon. Did you wanna stay or leave? We're working on our school project. " He sighs and says he will leave.

He stays for a while. We were in the middle of watching a show and he said he had to go home. I text Dabi to see where he is.

Hey, Dabi where are you? I got rid of kacchan.

I am on my way. I also have a friend with me. I hope that's ok.

That's fine see ya~

I sigh and walk into my bedroom. I lay on my bed and wait for Dabi to come. Around 7 he comes and knocks on my window.

"Hey, you know you can enter through the main door..." He drops down and I see a female behind him. She has blonde hair in two buns. She's in a school girl's uniform.

Edited on 7-23-23

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