part 12?

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Izukus POV: 

"HI IZUKU I AM TOGA!" She announces as she falls through the window. I mumble a hi. Dabi hands me my dress bag that has my 2 outfits in it. I could not decide so he let me do both. I put it in my closet and put clothes on top. "just in case my mom is nosey." Dabi looks at me and laughs. I look at him confused. "what?" He tells me that they put a lock on the zipper only that I can open it. We will message you the code when we think you're ready. Wait they don't think I am ready? Then why did they ask me to join them? I start to get pissed. " Hey, Dabi?" He mumbles a yeah as he's looking at my journals. "Why did the league want me? They never told me." He picks up journal #4. " Why Deku this is why." He tosses me my journal. "My journal?" He nods. "You see Deku. We liked you because you observed. You wrote down every little piece of information that you could think of. And we need that. If we did not like you we would not have asked you to join." Toga is looking at me. " Hey, Izu~ Can I have some of your blood? I have all the league members just in case we need to bail you out. I promise it won't hurt!" Dabi just smiles because he knows what's coming. "sure yoga. "Without warning she stabs me and starts to collect a vial of my blood. " ow! Hey, you could have warned me!" She mumbles a sorry and proceeds to wrap up the stab wound. Great how am I going to hide this from kacchan? "Well, we will be seeing ya. The league will text you when needed. Bye Deku" Dabi leaves through the window. Toga follows. I close the window and prepare myself to go to school.

Time skip~

*buzz buzz buzz* I turn off my alarm and head for the bathroom. After showering. I head back to my room to get changed. It's cold. Did I leave the window open? I close the window and see something fall. I pick it up to see it's a note. Looking at the time I realize I am going to be late for school. I change real fast and stuff the note in my pocket. Grabbing a piece of toast I sprint for my school.

Time skip~ ( it was just him running)

Making on time I sit behind kacchan. He glances back at me. Then handing me a note.

Meet me after school. We are continuing your training.

I sigh and reply back.

Alright. Are you coming over after or am I staying the night?

He does not reply.
I guess I will text him about it later.
After class, I head for lunch. Not really hungry I just grab something small. I wonder what kind of training we are going to do today? It got interrupted last time. Mumbling to myself I don't realize that kacchan sits next to me.
"Are you excited? Well, you have to be if your mumbling." I nod and then remember I have to ask if I am spending the night. "Hey, kacchan? Am I spending the night? And whose house are we going to." He finishes eating. "I was thinking yours. I want to see Inko again." The bell rings and it's off to English. Great. I am going to have to lie to go see the league.
I start to text Dabi.

Hey Dabi. I might be a little late. Kacchan Is spending the night. So I got to think of a plan to leave.

Ok, make sure you not followed. Oh and bring your outfit.

I look in the fridge to see what I can have for a snack. Nothing. I can use this chance to go see the league.

"Hey, kacchan! I have to go to the store do you want anything?" He replied with a no. I go to leave and kacchan stops me. "Take this." He hands me a pocket knife. I nod and I give him a quick kiss on the cheek. I sprint out the door. He ends up slamming my door.

Hey, I made it out. I will be there in a few. I am already wearing my outfit because it's under my hoodie.

Ok, see you in a few.

Walking into the bar. I see Dabi and Toga. "What's up? Why am I here?" He looks at me and shrugs.

Edited date 7-23-23

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