The Issue

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This chapter is going to start out weird. It's basically skipping the fight with all might. And going to the hospital with Izuku.

Izukus POV 
 "All Might! What are you doing here?!" He explains that he was following this creature to try and keep it from the city. He ended up in this field. "what are you and Bakugo doing here?" I explain why we're here and he nods. He ends up going to the creature and punches it so it's knocked out. "Well, its time for me to go! but before I do let me carry you to the hospital. Your leg is messed up badly." 

Time skip~

"kacchan you don't have to stay with me. You can go home and rest." He looks at me and goes to protest but gets interrupted by some on entering the room. "Mom!" My mother runs to me hugging me. "MY POOR BABY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT? I HEARD THAT BACKUGO SAVED YOU!" She lets me go and rambles on about how she was concerned for me. "well now that I know your safe I am going to hang out with Katsuki's mother." This is awkward. "Hey, kacchan?" He looks at me. " Why are you still here? you could leave."He looks at me and laughs. "Why would I leave? Why would I leave the person who saved me from getting shushed? Luckily your leg was healed by the recovery girl so we can get back to training. " Dekus mood changes. He's more determined. I don't think he has noticed that his arm bandages have been changed. "Hey, I am going to head home. Text me if anything happens. Alright?" I nod and start to look out the window.  I look down and notice that my bandages have been changed. Wait does the recovery girl know?  I hope not because then she will tell my mother!!! I start to drift off to sleep when a black portal appears. "Izuku Midoryia What is your choice?" Does the void speak"Is this about me being a villain?" " Yes,  you will be able to live your life free from suffering. We will provide a home and food for you. All you got to you do is join us." I think I could be both a villain and a hero. " Alright Just don't kill anyone that I love. I will stay here  and text you guys when I am released " " I will be needing a villain  name from you."  I thought. "How about Deku?"  the Void seemed to get blacker and bigger. "Perfect" The void then disappears. what have I done? How am I going to hide this from kacchan? what am I going to tell my mother?! My heart rate speeds up and I start to shake. Everything gets blurry and I see my nurse rush in. " Izuku! You need to breathe! you're having a panic attack. Breath!" Everything goes black and I fall unconscious.


I am released from the hospital and kacchan insisted that he comes and stays with me. I agreed and now just regretting it. The league should be messaging me soon. What am I going to do if kacchan sees the message? Also, the league should be coming by to see what I want for a villain's outfit. I don't want kacchan to be suspicious. Kacchan is looking at me and I don't know why." Huh? Did you say something?" He laughs and just shrugs.  "Maybe? Maybe I didn't who knows." "What Kacchan that's not fair what if it was something important!"

Ok, I know this is a really small chapter but is more of a filler for the next chapter! Also, the Q and A is still going on. Please drop your questions and I will answer in the next chapter as well. I will see you in the next chapter. 

Edited on 7-23-23

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