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Why hello there readers. You may seem confused with the last chapter. Let me tell you it's not gonna let up anytime so, please don't hate me! Anyways let me just say 174 reads right now on this book alone has made me happy. This book is my only successful book currently so thank you!

Kacchans POV

"Your stance is a bit off deku, you can be knocked down easily, try this "stance is still off. I show him using my own body and he tries to copy. "Good but not perfect." I walk behind him, grabbing his forearm and using my legs to help position his legs as well. I get his stance perfect. His skin is smooth and pure looking. I stand there for a couple more seconds standing behind him. He smells nice as well. Why is he so perfect? " Kacchan? You ok??" I nod and move. "That should be perfect now, try and jab at me." Deku looks unsure and hesitates. "Your not gonna hurt me I promise." He nods and tries, I dodge and he tries again.

One hour later

Dekus POV

I can feel myself getting tired and I don't think kacchan wants to stop. I am panting and sweat is everywhere. I go to jab at kacchan, but I miss. He strikes back and knocks me down. He finally notices that we need to take a break. Thank god! Finally a break! I chug my water and go to get more. While getting water I start to think. Why is kacchan helping me? Is this some kind of prank so he can beat me up again later? What am I gonna tell the league? All might! I forgot he asked me about his quirk! What am I gonna do? The cuts on my arms start to ich. There's a knife right there. I could do it really quickly without him noticing.

Kacchans POV

Deku is staring at the knife like he wants to do something. "Deku? You ok?" He does not respond. He starts reaching for the knife. "Oi Deku. What are you doing" He continues to reach for the knife. Deku grabs the knife just staring at it. I grab the knife from Deku and he snaps his head up. "Oh hey kacchan! I did not see you there." He looks surprised to see me. "You ok deku? You took the knife like you were about to start cutting again"

Dekus POV

"I know the urge hit again and I was right by the knife and I wanted to so badly. I thought I could do it really quickly while you were getting dressed again. But then I thought why am I doing this? Why is the urge still there? I don't know kacchan... why is it still here?" The tears are streaming down my face at this point. Kacchan comes closer to me and puts the knife on the counter. He wraps his arms around me tightly and I cry more. We both fall on our knees tightly embracing each other. "It's going to be ok Deku." Is the last thing I hear before I fall asleep. " Sweet dreams Deku."

Edited on 7-23-23

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