Training part 2

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Dekus Pov: 

"I got the files toga, also theirs a body on the 3rd floor. " Deku says lazily. "Can I go back home now I have food to eat." Toga nods and takes the file to all for one. " Oh Deku you might want to change clothes. You got blood on your current outfit." She says just before entering the office.  shit. Now I need to wash this. I walk to the bathroom and change into normal clothing. I grab one of the mini sandwiches on the bar and head out on the street.

Back home I see kacchan sitting at the table eating. "Afternoon kacchan. How was dinner?" He looks at me and then at my bag. "I went to the gym. They need to be washed." Taking the plate of food and bag upstairs. I set the plate of food down in my room and go towards the laundry room. How do I get blood out of clothing? Hoping soap and cold water would work. I start the machine and head back to my room where kacchan is waiting.

"look Izuku. We need to continue your training. I say we upgrade to a knife and have you practice with that." Nodding as I was eating. "That's fine. When are we going to start?" He looks at his phone and declares that tomorrow morning should be good. Nodding again. The plate was finished. "I will be back got to take this downstairs." As I am walking downstairs the LOV phone buzzes.

Your dead bodies are now cleaned up. All for one is proud of you. You completed your mission successfully. Good job Deku. We will message you when needed. Feel free to stop by whenever. Oh, your mask is done being made. Come pick it up soon. He hates waiting.

Happy my mask was made. I put the phone back I in my pocket and headed for my room. Kacchan is on his phone laying on my bed. "Whatcha doin'!" I jump on him. "Looking for ways to train you. Mentally and physically. It's not easy." He says as he scrolls on his phone. I lay on his chest and think about what I did today.

I killed someone. I stole files from UA. I lied to kacchan. I am with the league. Thinking of the league made me think about the knife wound from Toga and the symbol brand on my back. Shit training is tomorrow. Think Deku. What lie can you make up now? With that thought I fell asleep on kacchan.

Time skip~ morning

"Izuku time to wake up!" I hear kacchan say. I groan and don't get up. "come on your going to miss food." Knowing that kacchan cooked was enough to get me out of bed. "What did you make?" He mumbles that I will have to see.

Walking downstairs I see that my favorite was prepared. "Pancakes!" I sprint to the table and start preparing them. He laughs at me and says it is to make up for training later. Finishing my pancakes I go and change into athletic clothes. I undo the wrap from the toga. And I prepare my lie.

Walking downstairs I see kacchan is waiting for me. We walk outside and go towards the empty field that's nearby. Once there he hands me a normal knife. Looking at it made me think about when I used to cut. "Don't be tempted. It shows that I can trust you." Nodding I ignore the urge. And concentrate on what kacchan wants me to do.

He pulls another knife out. "We are going with basics. You have a week to learn. Then the entrance exam is here. You have til then. Now let's start." He charges at me and I dodge. I then lunge back at him. I " Trip" on my shoe lase and fall onto kacchan. He looks at me then my arm. " Did I accidentally cut you?" I nod and he gets up to inspect the wound. "It's sorta deep. Let's get you bandaged up then we restart. With tied shoelaces. " I nod and let him fix me up. Glad that my lie worked, and hoping that I don't have to lie again. 

Time skip~ 

after 4 hours of training kacchan decides to stop. "I have a surprise for you." He pulls out a box with light green wrapping paper. "Kacchan you didn't have to!" He laughs and gestures for me to open it. Ripping the paper and lifting the lid to the box. I see a suit that is all black but on the sides has light green mixed in. "Their pockets and holders for everything. even a cape because of your clique." I look at the cape and see that it has the same pattern of black and green mixed in. "thanks kacchan!" At the bottom of the box is a knife holder. I grab it and pull the knife out and see that it's light green."Early birthday gift. It matches your hair." I smile, Putting the knife back in the holder. I then hug Kacchan. 

Edited on 7-23-23

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