The Entrance Exam pt 2

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Dekus POV

After the first set of matches was done. We were all told to have a break. I decide to grab a drink from the vending machine in the hall. I get up from my seat and the kids look at me.

Walking out into the hall I am greeted with todoroki. "Ah, I see you can move now! Good luck with your other matches!" I walk around him and get to the machine. Looking for something I pick the strawberry milk. Because why not. I press enter and it falls to the bottom. I go to grab it but someone grabs it before I do.

"Hey, that's mine!" I look up and see a petite girl. She brushes her medium-brown hair out of her face as she drinks the milk. Chocolate. Her eyes are a dark chocolate brown.

"Thanks for the milk! Shoto said you were getting everyone one!" Really todoroki? Gonna bleed me dry of my funds. That's all you came up with. Better luck next time.

"Haha yea. I started with you because your outfit was pink and you looked really kind and I really would like to be friends. Oh, I am muttering again. Sorry." She smiles and hands me a list.

"This is what everyone wanted. If you need help let me know." She proceeds to wait by the doors. A couple of minutes later. I am carrying 20 drinks. Walking back into the arena. Everybody turns.

"Whoa, Todoroki was right! He was buying drinks for us! Thanks, Deku!" Surprised I dropped my drink. Turning around I see a kid with blonde hair but a bolt of black. "How do you know that name." He explains that Todoroki said that was his name. "My name is Izuku Midoria. My childhood bully calls me Deku. Actually, he's going to this school. He got in on recommendation." They apologize and proceed to talk about kacchan.

The next set of matches was beginning.

"Now proceeding with the rest of the matches!" The next mach was denki and tokoyami. This was a bad pair for dark shadow can't be used against lightning. The following matches after that were boring. I just want to go home.


Hey Izuku. I saw your match earlier. You could have gone easy on him. Anyways, I would like to train some more today. Meet me at the river later. After we can get dinner if you'd like. Bring your workout clothes and a towel.

Yeess kacchan~

Shortly after I was done texting kacchan, todoroki comes up to me.
"Thanks for the drink. I will pay you back." He walks off. Was that a threat? Oh well. I just want food.

Midnight announces that the rest of the exam will be conducted tomorrow. We were all dismissed. I went home. Grabbed what I need to be with kacchan and went to the river.

"Kacchan I am here!" Looking around there was no one there. "Kacchan?" I start looking around. Only to be jumped on a second later. I act on instinct. Grabbing his arm I flip the person into the river. My knife at the ready. "Kacchan?!"

His hair is soaked, and water is Seeping through his shirt. Smiling he gets up. "You responded well! This is why I had you bring a towel and workout gear."

Edited on 7-23-23

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