new chapter

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Deku POV

I wake up and look at the time. "Crap I am late!!! Kacchan is gonna be mad at me!" I run to get dressed and head out to our normal meeting spot. I get to the park and go through some of the woods to a clearing. The picnic table we dragged to the clearing is still here. I see kacchan laying a cloth down on one of the picnic tables. "Hey, kacchan! Sorry, I am late! I overslept." He looks up and he throws something. I catch what was thrown at me. " Do you know what that is?" I look down and see brass knuckles. I nod, he asks if I know how to use them. I have no clue how to use them. My face must have given me away because he laughs.

Kacchan shows me how to put them on." you know how to throw a punch right?" I nod my head yes. "Show me" he responds. He pats a tree near him. "Punch this as hard as you can". I nod and I punch the tree as hard as I can and kacchan shakes his head and begins to walk behind me. "Your close, let me see your hands" he leans in close and grabs my wrists. I begin to blush as I feel the heat radiate off his muscled body on my back. Kacchan begins to show me how to punch. Then suddenly kacchan blows inside my ear and a shiver runs down my spine. Did he notice me blushing? Is he teasing me? I look back to see a playful smile on his face. His hands move from my arms to my torso. He's warm.  "Hahahah Kacchan stop!!" He starts tickling me.

No ones pov
The ground starts rumbling and out of the woods comes a creature comes charging at the boys. Deku tries to get kacchan off of him. The creature gets closer and roars loudly. Only then does kacchan realize what's happening and that he's too late. Deku flips kacchan underneath him.

Back to Deku's POV

I couldn't let kacchan get hurt. I acted on  Instinct to protect him. I hug him closely as the creature runs straight over me. I hear a crack and pain spreads from my leg. " AH!... fuck!" I grip tighter on kacchan. He seems worried. The creature circles around and comes charging back. " Deku are you alright? I heard a crack. Assuming by the pain you in that bastard broke something" kacchan gently puts his hand on my face. I smile slightly. "K-kacchan... go kick his ass!" He smirks. "Did not know we had a potty mouth here. Where could you have learned that from?" I laugh." I had to learn from the best!" The creature roars and is getting closer. Kacchan gets up and tells me to stay here. " Hey, ass hole we were having a moment if you don't FUCKING MIND!" I look up and see something speeding toward us. Is it a bird or a plane? " No need to worry for .....I AM HERE"

Hey people! so I wish I could make this chapter longer, but I don't know bakugos fighting style so I am gonna look into it. I will see you in the next chapter and art is never mine.

Edited on 7-23-23

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