That was a surprise!

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The song is not mine I just really like the song. Neither is the art in it mine. Again just really like it. Also, another cutting scene in this so be warned.
Dekus POV

Everything is sore! I open my eyes to realize I am not at home. That's right I was training with kacchan last night. Then I went to get more water...I must have fallen asleep.  I see a hand wave in front of me. It startles me. Upon instinct, I flip kacchan onto the bed with my fist ready.

Kacchans POV

"It's me Deku!! Calm down!" I realize the position we are in. Deku is on top of me, his legs wrapped around me. He's sitting right on top of my abdomen. I blush Immediately and tell him to get off.  He must have seen that I was embarrassed because he refuses to get off of me. What I did not expect was for him to move his head closer. When moving his head moved his entire body making him directly over my crotch. "Oi! W-what are you d-doing?" He just smirks and gets up and starts to get dressed.
What the hell Deku? Does he know? He can't know. I come back to my senses when a hand is right in front of me.

Dekus POV 

Kacchan seems to be off today. When I flipped him his face got red, and when I went to see if he was ok he got redder. Now he's spacing out. I wave my hand in front of him. He seems surprised and shrugs. "What's the plan for today? More training? Movies? Sleep?" He thinks for a moment. "How about?" He grabs my wrist and pins me to the bed. "Surprise attacks? Or getting a weapon finally?" I am surprised, as well as embarrassed. Kacchan is currently hovering over me, pinning me to the bed.
Man he's so hot, I would let him fu- WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!

Kacchans POV 

Deku is so freaking cute, alright I am gay, I am gay for this little nerd. There's just something about his green eyes that just enchant you. His hair is always a mess but a cute mess. Freckles! There are freckles! But what really makes me like him is his lips. The way they are formed.  They look so kissable, so soft.  While in a daze my hands start to slip from the sheets. Crap!! No no no no no no no. My lips are on dekus!!! Fuck!

Deku pov

  Kacchan is kissing me. I am in Schock and everything next that happened is a blur.  I end up pushing kacchan off of me and run to the attic. I slam the attic door shut. This used to be my room when I would sleep over because kacchan would never let me sleep with him. I crawl onto the clean-kept bed. "DEKU I AM SORRY!!" I hear kacchan yell. It was not bad, but does he feel the same? I start to look around my old room. It was littered with all might posters and pictures of me and kacchan. A purple portal appears and people walk out. Isuku you only have 2 months to decide if you are a hero or villain. You can't decide we will take you and brainwash you. Let your nightmares take flight. The portal disappears and the people follow.  I need to tell kacchan... but I still don't know if I want to be a villain.  The scars I made from my past still hurt. The things from the past still hurt. Now currently hurts. I see a broken mirror getting an idea. I carved it into my skin. The words still sting. I carved every word I have been told. After it was complete I took a clean shard and slashed a line through each individual word. Except for the word GAY. Then I carved Hero vs. Villain and left it.

Kacchans POV

I am sitting by the door to the attic waiting for Deku to come out. He had locked the door, I was debating on blowing down the door. I figured it would be better to just let him come out when he was ready. I hear the door unlock and him walking away saying come in. I walk in and I am afraid of what I see. There's blood all over the floor. I follow the trail of blood and see it leads to Deku's old bed. I see Deku curled up in a ball with his shirt off and on the floor. "Deku? What happened?" He looks at me and sits up. And what I see is everything I have called him carved into his skin. I start to cry and fall to the floor. " I am sorry deku.... I am so sorry I said all of those things to you!" I crawl up to the bed and look at Deku. "Don't worry kacchan! Look closer at them." I see that every word but 3 words has slashes through them. "Huh?" He laughs at me. " Everything you have said I have forgiven. The reason GAY is not scratched out is because I am gay. I might actually be gay for someone." He replies. "I blush deeply and I start to get jealous. Being jealous and embarrassed I look to the side. Deku comes closer to me and makes me look at him. He then kisses me. Surprised yet pleased I hold him and never want to let him go. He then breaks the kiss and smiles.  I am still crying and Deku is trying to wipe all of the tears. He accidentally gets some in his cuts. He flinches and continues to wipe some tears off of my face. " Fucking nerd let's get you cleaned up." He nods and tries to stand and collapses. "welp I guess I will be carrying you." I pick him up and carry him to the bathroom. The cuts are much deeper this time. I use more gauze and wraps to patch him up. " Thank you kacchan," Deku says then flops on to me. " No problem get some sleep it's gonna be a long day tomorrow. We got some more training to do."

This is more of a filler chapter because I have midterms coming up in a couple of weeks and I wanted to get a chapter out to you guys before I get stressed out. Anyways tell me what you think of this chapter. It may seem rushed so I might go back and fix it later on! Well, I will see you in the next chapter.

Edited on 7-23-23

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