Why you?

864 27 2

Pictures, not mine. Also some suicidal thoughts and cutting in this chapter. So if you are not ok with these things please skip this chapter.


Hmm, let's see which will hurt worse the knife or the razor? I look at both, the freshly sharpened knife and the newly opened blade. "How about both? We can see which is deeper!" I sit at the edge of the tub with both in front of me. I roll up my sleeves and take the knife in hand. Let's see here or here? Fuck it any weres fine. I slowly drag the knife across my wrist. It stings and fresh blood pours out. I stare at it." So pretty..."
I cut myself a couple more times before switching to the razor.

After I am done I wash the blood from the tub, wash the knife, hide the razor, and wash my arms. I head out of the bathroom into my room to sleep for the night.

The next day I head to school with a white shirt, a gray hoodie, and black pants on. I don't bother to eat breakfast and head for homeroom. I see I have a new desk. Why bother to replace it if it's just gonna get ruined again? Class starts and I zone out for most of it. Then gym hits.

" Ok, class today we are going to be wrestling! And where you may ask! We're going to U.A. to use their Gym!" Now go get changed and meet me back here in 15! Great.... now I have to wrap my arms...I change and wrap my arms. I walk out towards the bus and sit by myself. The trip to U.A. was a short one. I should be excited but I am not. We arrive and go to the gym. I was the last out of the bus and ran to the gym. I walk up to the group of people who are listing to the teacher. "Alright, the rules are simple! Try to knock your partner out of the ring or try to keep them down for 3 taps! Also, you can use your quirks!" (Ok I know nothing about wrestling so sorry if this is completely wrong!)

We get paired in 2 and I am with Bakugo yay. He stares at me and says something but I ignore him. Were last to go, so I just sit on the bleachers alone and watched people.
Some of the students are good at using their quirks. I silently take notes on my classmates until it is my turn to fight.
Bakugo is staring at me again as we get ready to fight. A whistle blows and he lunges and grabs my wrist. Immediately I flinch from the pain from the cuts. I smile because the pain feels so nice! Backugo sees me flinch and presses harder on the cuts. The bandages turn red. The cuts had reopened, and feeling fresher pain in my arms I tackle Bakugo and pin him down. He's surprised by my strength and tries to move. He fails and I win before getting up some of the blood from the wrap falls on his face. Realizing that he gets up and tries to reach for my arms. I jerk away heading for the locker rooms.

In the locker room

I am almost fully dressed when he burst in and comes straight for me. "What the hell was that DEKU!" Not answering he turns me to face him. "Have you been holding out on me? Have you been secretly training?! TELL ME!"

At this point the locker room is empty.

"Why do you care?" Bakugo stares at me. "why do you care if I am strong or weak? Why do you care your just a bully! Who tells me I am worthless all the time? You even told Me to kill myself once! So maybe just maybe I would like to return the favor!" I say smiling, he goes to move toward my arms. But before he can touch them I slap him. As I do the bandage falls off. In shock, he stares at me then my arms." Deku what the hell..."
I finish putting on my shirt and leave. I leave altogether.

I walk around town aimlessly and find myself in an ally. Continuing to walk further in the ally I notice that there's no one or anything in the ally. That's when I get attacked. Sludge everywhere! In my mouth, lungs, it's even staining my clothes. "Thank you for being my next host!!!" The villain says. The next things happen in a flash. A loud crash is heard, a gust of wind, and I am saved. Who has saved me? I look up and see All Might. He's holding the sludge villain in 2 bottles. "Be careful kid! Don't go walking around in alleys late at night that is how villains get you." He looks at me. "one thing before you go." He nods, "Can someone who is quirkless, Get a quirk?" He looks at me and sighs. "I am sorry kid but no there's no way for you to get a quirk. But if you do wanna help people try going for police or firefighter" He leaves leaving me angry. " Heros think they're all that! When in reality they are not. All they want is fame and money! They are only in it for themselves. Worthless heroes can't do anything without their quirks." I kick a can and it flies hitting the wall.

"Hey, we share the same viewpoints! Why don't we talk some more?" I hear from behind me. I look to see who is talking to me. I see this boy with blue hair, pale skin, and hands all over. "Are you a villain?" The boy laughs. "Yes I am, now do you wanna talk or do you wanna die?" I think about it. With all the info I know about heroes, and how I hate them now I could be of use to this villain."Sure, let's talk."

Edited on 7-22-23

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