Chapter 29

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I stand in the court room next to Quackity who secretly holds my hand since this is supposed to be a professional trial.

Tubbo asks question after question, trying to pry any information out of Tommy.

"This is your last chance Tommy. Did you burn down George's house. And you need to tell the truth. He's the king of the SMP and we need to protect our nation." Tubbo states and Tommy caves in.

"Wait! I have some other information you might want to know. He wasn't alone." Karl speaks up and there are a chorus of gasps. I lean foward waiting for him to carry on.

"The other person who was with him was... Ranboo." He points to the new guy. So that's his name.

Tubbo orders for Ranboo to be placed in a holding cell opposite to Tommy who keeps protesting.

"Ranboo, did you help Tommy burn down George's home?"

The room goes silent as Ranboo thinks. He looks like he is thinking extremely hard.

"I-I don't know. With my memory issues, I can't really remember much. I'm sorry." The boy apologises as everyone looks back to Tommy.

"This isn't looking good for you Tommy. Now you need to tell us the truth in order to keep L'manburg safe. Did you do it?" Tubbo asks calmly.

Tommy begins to argue against it as everyone else joins in. Until finally...

"Fine yes! I did it!"

Everyone in the room goes silent. Niki looks at me and I give her a small smile. I did feel bad for her since Tommy tried to pin the blame on her. Classic Tommy.

"Tommy, I'm placing you on probation. Everyday, you will be required to write up everything you do and then report to Fundy at the end of the day." Tubbo tells him, trying not to give him a worse punishment.

A few people laugh and I hear someone say, "he's reporting to a furry."

I place a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle a laugh but only causes it to come out as a snicker.

"So it's settled. Tommy will be stripped of all his power and all his actions will be monitored for two weeks."

The trial finally ends and we are all sent our separate ways. Quackity and I walk over to L'manburg and he leads me towards his house.

I feel a hand gently tap my shoulder and I turn around seeing Tubbo with a small smile on his face.

"I'm glad you're back Y/N. I'm sorry we never believed you were alive before. Do you want to join L'manburg again? We all missed you." Tubbo asks and I ruffle his hair slightly.

"You don't have to apologise you know. And sure, I'll re-join L'manburg. I miss this place anyway." I laugh as he joins in.

I look back over to Quackity who throws me a smile, gesturing for me to come over.

"Well Tubbo, I better get going. Lover boy wants me. See ya!" I laugh, running over to Quackity who wraps an arm over my shoulders.

I expect to walk into his house but instead, he turns us to the side, walking past it.

"Where are we going? I thought you were gonna show me your house." I playfully put at him as he leads us away.

"I already got what I needed."

He takes us up a hill where we are once again staring out to sea. I look at the small docks which are full of life and small boats.

Quackity lays down a small blanket under a very large tree which sits peacefully on top of the hill.

"They took down the old tree Y/N. So instead, I thought this could be our tree from now on."

When he says 'our tree', my heart melts.

"Quackity. I love you so much!"

I tackle him in a hug and he holds me tight as the sun beams down on us. We drop to the floor and he holds me with desperation. Like if he let's go, I'll disappear again.

"I love you too, mi amore."

We lay on the blanket as a light breeze moves the grass slightly. A bright coloured butterfly flies over to me as I hold out my finger. It lands at the tip of my index finger and I laugh.

I turn to face Quackity, seeing that he is already staring at me.


"You're beautiful. You know that?"

I blush profusely and try to cover my face as my face heats up. The butterfly flutters away as Quackity pulls my hand in his.

"I'm serious Y/N. Have you ever heard of something called a promise ring?" He asks out of nowhere, pulling out a small dark blue box. He opens it, taking out a small silver ring with dark blue and F/C gems inside it.

"I want to give you this promise ring Y/N. I want to give you it as a promise that no matter what, I will stick by you. I will never leave you. And I hope you'll never leave me." He places the ring on my finger and I admire it in the sunlight.

I'm at a complete loss for words.

I look at Quackity, then back to the ring. Then back to him.

I press my lips against his as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me down to him as he lays on the small blanket.

Without realising, we somehow begin rolling down the hill we were on top of.

When we make it to the bottom, we laugh so hard, I feel as if one of us might puke.

"How did that- how did that even happen?" I clutch my stomach due to it hurting from laughing so hard. I sit up slightly, still not being able to stop myself from laughing.

I see a shadow cast down on my and I see Quackity holding out his hand for me to take.

"Come on. There's a lot more of the new L'manburg to see."

SUNSET ON THE EAST SIDE//Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now