Chapter 75

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After 20 minutes of dragging the slime guy out into a snowy biome, I finally stop, being far enough away from Las Nevadas.

I kinda feel bad about doing this but as far as I know, he could be a spy.

I decide to dig out a small hole, gently lowering the slime person into it to not hurt him in any way. After doing so, I place stone slabs around him so he can't get out.

Alistair sits next to me, waiting patiently for the guy to wake up.

Not long after however, he begins to blink his eyes open, giving me a cheery smile despite his current situation.

"Hello Y/N from Las Nevadas!" He shouts, giving me a wave, the small amount of slime dripping from his hand to the snowy ground.

"Who are you?" I ask softly yet with a stern tone.

"I'm definitely human! I'm all bones and stuff! I'm made of like 300 bones!" He strangely exclaims, obviously not being made of bones but I don't question it.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Charlie!" He gives me a happy smile. I need to figure out what he knows. But I don't want to be harsh. He seems like a genuine guy. He kind of reminds me of Ghostbur. Speaking of him, I haven't seen him in a while.

"Okay Charlie, I need you to tell me what you know." I state, crouching down in front of him.

"I know about Las Nevadas! I know about Quackity from Las Nevadas too!" He exclaims and I realise that he's probably been around for some time.

"Is that it? Have you met or seen anyone else? What about the smp? Have you been there?" I ask, watching as Alistair sniffs Charlie's shoulder.

"Now you mention it, I've seen a guy with a red and white shirt! Blonde hair..." he mentions Tommy and I nod my head, waiting for him to continue.

"I also saw another guy who was dead but isn't dead anymore. Then there was-"

"Hold on a minute. What do you mean?" I ask, a sick feeling coming to my stomach.

"Oh! The guy with brown curly hair! He was dead but now he's not." He smiles up at me.

Is... No. Is Wilbur... alive?

"Okay Charlie. Let's cut to the chase. Can I trust you?" I ask, moving on from the conversation before, not wanting to ponder on it for too long.

"Of course Y/N from Las Nevadas!" He smiles and I nod, helping him out from the small hole I put him in.

"Okay. That's good to know. Now how would you like to come back with me? You wanna join Las Nevadas?" I question and he nods frantically, trying to pet Alistair who backs away due to not wanting to get slime on his fur.


I nod my head as Charlie almost jumps for joy at my offer.

"Of course! I am a person made of bones and would love to join you Y/N from Las Nevadas! Dap me up!" He exclaims and I raise my eyebrow.

He holds out a fist and I connect mine with his in a fist bump. I laugh as he smiles, following me back towards Las Nevadas.

I don't know what it is about him but I feel the need to protect him.

"Charlie, do you know what a friend is?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Well, a friend is someone who you can trust and rely on for anything. Someone who will be there to make you happy and smile. Have you ever had a friend?" I curiously ask him and he shakes his head.

"Are you my friend Y/N from Las Nevadas?" He asks quickly, following behind me.

"Yes Charlie. I'm your friend." I give him a soft smile, bringing a huge grin to his face.

However, before he says anything else, snow begins falling around us, leaving him in complete awe. I guess he's just never seen snow before.

"Woah! What's this?!" He holds out his hand in attempt to catch the snow but instead, it just absorbs into the slime on his body.

"This is snow Charlie. When it gets to the right temperature, the clouds release snow. You can make the snow into little balls and throw them at each other. That's called a snowball fight." I tell him and he looks around in a daze.

"This is so cool!"

"I know. But we can't stay out in it too long. Now come on, we have to get back to Las Nevadas. I'm sure Quackity will be back by now and will want to meet you." I gently take his hand, bringing him along with me. I ignore the slime which drips onto my hand and worry more about getting him back to Las Nevadas.

Alistair jumps around in the snow, trying to catch snowflakes in his mouth causing me to roll my eyes. Charlie laughs at the large wolf, continuing to walk beside me.

I wonder if Charlie has any family. How old even is he? Why do I feel a need to protect him? And what did he mean when he was taking about someone who was no longer dead?

I'm flooded with questions in my head but I don't question him. I'm sure he's already overwhelmed with everything going on at the minute.

In the distance, I see the large casino shining its lights and I continue to bring Charlie towards the country.

"Charlie, I would like to officially welcome you to Las Nevadas! Your new home." I smile at him as he rushes towards the lights.

All the rich people around us give Charlie weird looks but I give them a death glare in return. They eventually look away, going back to their conversations and gambling addictions.

"This is amazing Y/N from Las Nevadas!" He looks around and I laugh.

"You can just call me Y/N." I smile at him and he gives me a small smile in return.

I hope he will be a good addition to Las Nevadas. He's loyal enough and seems like a good guy.

I'll just have to see how this all pans out.

SUNSET ON THE EAST SIDE//Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now