Chapter 67

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We gear up. Quackity grabs his sword in hand and I grab a pair of simple knives, flipping them in my hands before placing them into my belt.

"You ready to go?" Quackity asks, pulling on his beanie, keeping on his Las Nevadas clothes.

I nod, following him out of the door and away from Las Nevadas once again.

The trip doesn't take long for us to reach the prime path once again. We walk along the wooden paths, stopping to talk to no one. Until my brother decides to speak up.

"Y/N! Y/N I need your hel-"

"Not now Tommy! I have more important matters to attend to." I shrug him off and he looks at me with a sad expression, walking away from us.

I feel guilt radiating inside of me but I push it down, clenching my fist as blood slightly soaks through the fresh bandage on my hand. I can't show weakness.

Once we make it to the prison, Sam let's us inside. Him and Quackity make a few arrangements, leading to us bringing in our weapons.

Sam looks over at me giving me a nod. I return the nod as well as a small smile. Only a weak one.

Sam let's us pass through the corridors, checking us for any other items we could be sneaking in.

"Sam, Dream would be the last person I would ever help." I explain as he asks if we have anything to aid Dream in an escape.

"Alright. Stand there and move with the platform." Sam informs Quackity and I as the last of the lava disappears. I look across the pit of lava at the cell.

As we get closer, I see Dream in greater detail. The tattered orange prison suit. The claw marks on the walls. His bloodied and bruised fingertips.

He's tried for so long to escape.

"Quackity? Y/N?" He cowers slightly as he sees me, causing me to plaster a sickly sweet smile on my face.

"Hello Dream. I see you haven't forgotten about my last visit. Good." I let my hand rest at my sides as he sits on a chest in the corner of the cell.

"What are you doing here?" He quietly asks Quackity and I, fear showing in his green eyes.

"We just thought we'd pay you a visit Dream! Although it seems like you're not doing too great." Quackity gestures to Dream and the prison.

"Okay, enough. Let's cut to the chase..." I stop any other conversation from happening, standing with a straight posture.

"We want the revival book." I tell Dream who raises an eyebrow but still seems scared.

"I can't give you it." He defends himself. I bring my hands up to the knives in my belt, watching as he is once again laced with fear.

"We need that book Dream." Quackity repeats.

"I can't give it to you!"

I take out the knives and hold them in both hands. Quackity pulls out the sword from where he kept it hidden behind his back.

"H-how did you bring those? How did you... SAM!!!" Dream calls out in fear, making me laugh out of pity. He's weak.

"I'm sorry. Well now I think about it... I'm not. Now hand the book over Dream." I take a step towards him.

"You won't kill me." He nervously laughs as Quackity steps in.

"No. But we'll come back every single fucking day until you give us that book. We'll make your life hell." Quackity points the sword at him.

"I-I can't give you the book because I don't have it!" Dream full backs into the corner away from us.

"Enough of the bullshit! Tell us where it is or hand it over! It's that simple Dream!" I throw one of the knives just above his head, the blade cutting off a small piece of his dirty blonde hair.

"I don't have it! I burned it! I memorized the pages in my mind. That's the only thing that's left of the book." Dream tells us and I pull Quackity over to a corner.

"Is he lying?" I ask as we watch him cower in the corner of his cell.

"I don't think so."

We walk back over to Dream and he makes a deal.

"How about this, you take me out of here and I teach you everything that was in that book." He offers which makes me laugh.

"Really Dream? How dense do you think we are?! We're not gonna break you out. You deserve to be in here because all you know to do is torture and manipulate!" I raise my voice, throwing and catching the small knife in my hand.

"So here's my deal... you tell us everything you know... or, we come back here everyday until you break." I crouch down to his height as he slumps to the floor, making him feel inferior.

"So what's it gonna be Dream?" Quackity asks, taking out his sword next to me.

But Dream makes a wrong decision.

"I'm not going to tell you anything. Because if I do, you'll just kill me!" He shouts and I shake my head slowly in disapproval.

"Wrong answer." I tut, throwing the knife in my hand. The sharp metal embeds itself into Dream's shoulder as he yelps in pain, calling for Sam's help.

Quackity strikes his sword down on Dream's leg, making me laugh at the weak man below us. A man stripped of his power now showing his true emotions which can't be hidden behind a mask.

We leave him on the floor, battered and bruised as we call oug for Sam to let us out.

"We'll be back Dream. Tomorrow, same time, no exceptions. Let's hope you give us the right answer this time." I kick him in the side, taking the bridge back to the other side, watching the lava fall down again.

Now we're the ones doing the tormenting.

And I love it.

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