Chapter 68

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As promised, we returned every day after that. Sometimes together. Sometimes alone. But no matter what we tried, Dream never gave us the book.

I stare at the small calendar hung up on the wall, dates crossed off in a red marker pen, marking each day we went to see Dream.

As the elevator dings behind me, I cross off todays date due to Quackity coming home from his visit.

"Hey love, how did it go?" I ask as he rubs his eyes, slumping down on the sofa. I bring over a glass of water and he gladly takes it, thanking me.

I soon decide to sit next to him, wanting to address something I've noticed recently. He's been acting... weird.

"Quackity?" I start and he hums in response, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm not saying you've been doing anything bad but I just need to ask. You've been running off a lot recently which is quite suspicious. Care to tell me why?" I place a hand on his arm and I feel him tense up.

"It's nothing." He tries to shrug it off.

"Well it's obviously something if it's got you this worked up." I offer a soft smile. He looks at me and sighs, giving in.

"Please don't he mad Y/N. But I found the egg. Like the actual egg underground." He tells me and i feel myself shudder at the memory of it almost wrapping around my leg.

"Okay... so you found it?"

"Y/N I didn't just find it. I blew it up." He says but doesn't seem too happy.

"Well? That's good isn't it? Right?" I push but he shakes his head.

"After I blew it up... it spoke to me."

I furrow my brows in confusion. It's an egg. How can it talk?

"What did it say?" I run my hand along Quackity's arm for a bit of comfort.

"I don't know. I couldn't understand. All I know is that I don't think it's dead."

The room goes silent, the only sounds coming from outside in the streets of Las Nevadas below us.

"Why didn't you tell me Quackity? Where else have you been that you haven't told me about?" I softly ask, trying not to push his buttons.

"I saw George..." his face drops at the mention of our old friend. "He tried to get us to come back to Kinoko Kingdom. Apparently they renovated the place. Made it better. I feel like they have forgotten about us Y/N." Tears well up in his eyes but he holds them back.

I allow him to rest against me in a tight hug as a caress him gently in my arms.

"I'm sure they haven't. We just haven't seen them in a while, that's all." I say in reassurance but really, I'm just trying to reassure myself.

"We haven't seen them in so long. They don't care about us anymore. George was acting as if we were the bad guys Y/N! Are we? Are we the bad guys?"

My mind flashes back to the times spent in Pogtopia when Wilbur went insane. He lead himself to become the bad guy. He let insanity take over his mind. I won't let that happen to Quackity.

"No! Of course we're not. We just want what's best for us. For our country. Just because we started a new life, doesn't make us the bad guys." I smile softly at my boyfriend who rests his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you mi amor. I feel like I don't thank you enough." He relaxes and I smile at him.

"For what?" I laugh and he tilts his head up to face me, keeping his head to rest on my shoulder. He reaches up to move a strand of hair from my face, proceeding to run his finger gently along the large scar on my face.

"For sticking by me. No one has ever stayed around this long."

My heart melts as I wrap my arms around him, laying him down gently on the sofa, moving a bit of hair away from his eyes.

"Only for you." I kiss his forehead, laying a blanket over him as sleep corrupts his mind, allowing him to drift off. I stand up, trying to stay quiet so that I didn't wake him up.

Upon entering the bedroom, I open my desk draw, pulling out a small piece of paper.

The Red Banquet is tomorrow.

I feel like I should tell Quackity about it but what would he think? Bad specifically told me not to tell anyone, including Quackity.

I sigh, placing the invitation back into the draw, proceeding to the fairly large walk in wardrobe.

I allow my eyes to scan over each item of clothing, running my hands along the material. However, I stop when I see a beautiful dark red dress/suit which has black detailing on it.

I pull it from the clothing rack, hanging it up behind the door. I stare at it before deciding that it would be the best dress/suit for the occasion.

I quickly pick out matching shoes to go with it before closing the wardrobe doors.

My body falls back, landing on the comfy bed sheets and I simply stare up at the ceiling.

After tomorrow is done, I feel like I should apologise to my brother. I felt terrible the other day after I dismissed him but I was so caught up in revenge that I let my anger fester inside of me. Almost as if it was controlling me.

I make a mental note to search for Tommy after the Red Banquet tomorrow, closing my eyes as I feel myself drift off into a dreamless sleep.

SUNSET ON THE EAST SIDE//Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now