Chapter 72

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Something feels off.

It's like the feeling of light terror mixed with nerves. A strange feeling to comprehend.

But nothing is wrong here. Las Nevadas has been running just as well as it has before.

Suddenly, a chorus of screams breaks me out of my train of thought. I jump down from the top floor balcony, landing on top of a poker table. The drop not being far enough to cause damage.

A chorus of gasps comes from the rich gamblers who stare at me in awe as I pull out my sword, ready to attack.

I run through the crowd towards where the screams came from but when I get there, I'm met with a very large grey wolf. It snarls its teeth towards the group of people as they cower away from it.

"Everyone get back!" I shoo the crowd away but they stay to only watch from a distance.

I slowly reach out my arm towards the wolf but it snaps and I pull my hand away before it can reach me. I stare into its bright blue eyes, kneeling down in front of it. Then I see it's back leg.

It's hurt.

"Hey... hey I'm not gonna hurt you." I slowly reach my arm out again, the wolf still snarling but it doesn't snap this time.

When my hand touches its fur on the side of it's face, it stops, looking up at me with fear.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." I smile softly as the animal slowly walks up to me as I pet it's head. Good, it trusts me.

"Everyone go back to your business! We're done here." I watch as the crowd disperses and I lean down to the wolf once again.

"I'm going to take you upstairs to get patched up okay?" I pick it up, careful not to hurt it.

Once I make it upstairs, I'm met with Quackity who widens his eyes as I walk into the penthouse.

"Wh- get that fucking thing out of here!" Quackity exclaims, stepping away from the wolf in my arms.

"Relax, it's hurt. I'm gonna patch it up." I smile at the wolf who looks at me with a thankful look.

I begin working on the wound on its leg. I wonder if it- he has a name.

Once I'm finished, I wrap his leg in a bandage, handing him a small leftover bone which was laying around from killing a skeleton. The wolf takes it and begins to chew on it for a bit.

"You know you can't keep it, right Y/N?" Quackity wonders into the room, leaning against the doorway.

"I know... but I needed to help him." I give a sad smile, watching as the wolf finishes off the bone.

"Alright, I'm gonna take him back to the spruce woods. I won't be long." I kiss Quackity on the cheek before making my way to the bottom floor.

The wolf walks by my side as we leave the casino, walking towards the forest outside of Las Nevadas.

"Well... there you go. Home sweet home." I smile at the wolf but he doesn't move. Instead, he steps closer to me.

"Oh come on now... you have to go back to your family. You belong in the wild." I gesture to the forest in front of me.

But he doesn't move. He just growls out in front of him as a bush moves slightly.

Catching me off guard, a skeleton emerges from the bush as the wolf begins charging towards it, tackling it to the ground.

Just before it's bones break into pieces on the ground, the arrow in it's bow fires my way but narrowly misses due to the wolfs protection.

I see the wolf tearing the bones from being connected, ragging them about in the grass before turning to look at me. He drops the bone in his mouth, sitting down and wagging his tail.

"Well, it seems like you can handle yourself. Thank you for saving me." I wave goodbye to the wolf but he comes running up to me again.

"You have to stay in the forest." I point to the trees but he continues following me.

I could always keep him by my side for protection. Or even a friend. Quackity might be mad but... screw it.

I sigh, kneeling down in front of the large grey wolf who wags his tail again.

"Well since you want to accompany me, I guess I'll just have to let you. But you'll need a name. What about... Alistair? That sounds good right?" I ask the wolf who frantically wags his tail in response.

Alistair it is then.

"Come on. I'll find you a name tag back home." I smile at my new companion as he follows behind me with joy.

"Y/N what are- I thought you got rid of him?" Quackity gestures to Alistair looking slightly intimidated.

"He didn't want to go. So I'm keeping him as a companion. He's a pretty good defender." I shrug, smiling at Alistair who rushes over to Quackity, knockinghim off his feet and licking his face.

I root through my chests, pulling out a name tag, engraving his name on it before threading it onto a F/C collar.

Upon entering the room once again, Alistair dashes towards me, leaving Quackity to sit on the floor in a daze.

"Here you go." I place the collar on Alistair who wags proudly. He's probably the biggest wolf I've ever seen.

"You good?" I laugh, looking over at Quackity who stands up, brushing himself off and straightening his beanie.

"Yep. I'm good... I can't believe you kept him." Quackity rolls his eyes and walks over to kneel down beside me as I stroke Alistair.

"Well you can't blame me. He's dangerous and cute." I smile as my boyfriend looks over at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Am I not dangerous and cute?" He asks with a pout and I shove him away jokingly.

"Don't test me mister!"

SUNSET ON THE EAST SIDE//Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now