Chapter 62

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Today, Quackity and I have decided to go pay Tubbo a visit. It's been so long since we've spoken and I need to make sure he's coping okay.

"Are you ready?" I ask Quackity, who emerges from the bedroom wearing his normal blue jacket which he wore before Las Nevadas. He nods, taking my hand as we leave through the main entrance to the casino.

"Hey guys! How you holding up?" Ponk waves at us as we pass by. I offer him a small smile in return.

"We're doing good Ponk. Thank you. We're just on our way to see Tubbo. I haven't seen him in a while." I smile and Ponk nods.

"I've seen him around a few times with Ranboo. Ever since those two have spent time together they've been inseparable. It's good for him you know? After-" Ponk stops himself and I instantly remember the death of my younger brother.

Quackity gently rubs a hand down my arm for comfort but I shake away the sadness and put on a happy face.

"Anyway, we better get going. Hope everything is going well for you Ponk! See you around." I smile, locking my fingers with Quackity's as we wave goodbye.

"You don't have to lie you know." Quackity says from beside me and I shake my head slightly.

"I know. But a long as everyone else is happy, so am I." I give him a soft smile as we continue down the oak path.

Soon enough, we spot a familiar face in the distance, walking over.

"Tubbo." I say quietly as the brown haired boy gasps, running towards me.

"Y/N! Oh my god! I've missed you, where have you been?!" He gives me a tight hug, nearly knocking me over.

I laugh, hugging him back. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Quackity smiling along with us.

"We've been busy. Not much is going on though. What about you though? How's Michael? And what is this?" I ask, gesturing to the small yellow, black and wooden building which he was constructing.

"Michael is doing great! I think he misses you though. Anyway, this is, oe will be, mine and Ranboo's hotel. We're gonna call it the Bee N' Boo hotel!" He exclaims with joy. That boy and his bees. I laugh to myself, glad that he's happy.

"Well it's looking great so far Tubbo." Quackity smiles, admiring the boys handiwork. Tubbo looks proud of himself as we compliment his work.

"Well since you're a but busy, I guess we'll let you continue." I gesture to the half built hotel and he nods.

"Oh! Before you go Y/N..." Tubbo stops us, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a small gold object.

The golden chain with the creeper on it which Sam gave me.

"I found this laying in the grass. I'm not sure why it was there but I saw you're initials on it. Thought I'd return it to you!" Tubbo gently places the necklace in the palm of my hand as I inspect it.

"Thank you Tubbo." I smile as he nods, getting back to his work.

Quackity and I continue aimlessly roaming around the area for a while as I mess with the chain in my hand.

"Something's bothering you." Quackity says, sensing my uneasiness. I sigh, opening up the palm of my hand, allowing the natural light to hit the chain in my hand.

"Sam gave me this... I know I should forgive him for what he did but I just can't. Not yet." I say as Quackity places a hand on the side of my face.

"I get it Y/N and that's your choice to make. But Sam obviously gave you this for a reason." My boyfriend gives me a warm comforting smile, instantly making me happier.

"Yeah I guess you're right." I smile, holding the necklace out to him. The light reflects onto the gold chain, shining light back onto my face.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Quackity asks me, clueless. I roll my eyes, placing it in his hands, turning around.

"Can you please clip it together at the back of my neck?" I gesture for him to place the necklace around my neck and I hear the small clasp sound as he let's it drop.

"Thank you." I tug at his collar, pulling him into a quick kiss. His eyes flutter back open and he looks at me through his eyelashes once we pull apart.

"I love you." I smile and he returns it.

"I love you." He says back.

"No. I love you."

"I love you more!" He fires back at me and I roll my eyes, kissing his cheek.

"I think we can agree that we both love each other." I laugh along with him as he jokingly pushes my shoulder but I don't see it coming.

I fall to the ground, frowning up at my boyfriend who smirks down at me. I hold out my hand for him to help me up but as he takes it, I pull him down next to me, laughing as he almost falls on his face.

We lay in the sun for a few minutes, enjoying the peace and quiet away from any conflict.

We once again lock our hands together as he pulls me up from the ground, beginning to walk away to find something else to do. Maybe we could go on a picnic? Or we could maybe just wonder around for a bit. Or what if we-

My thoughts are cut short when I hear someone calling out mine and Quackity's names. They run as fast as possible towards us and I instantly notice that it's Tubbo.

"Tubbo? Are you good? Are you hurt? What's wrong?" I ask, concerned for the boy. I check his face for any sign of harm or indication to what might of happened, but I stop when he hides behind Quackity and I, pointing a finger out in front of him.

My eyeliner follows his finger, landing on a face I haven't seen in a while.


SUNSET ON THE EAST SIDE//Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now